forum it's only illegal if you get caught (1x1 closed)
Started by @IcarusFightsTheSun book

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(Okay, that's cool, and Cassie would be taking a morning walk in the park, given this is a Saturday?)

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

raydon wakes up excited 'i need parts today, and then it's just a matter of time' he thinks as he gets dressed. when he looks around, at a huge mess. half made bots, a box of nails was fallen on the floor, and random tools all over the place, 'i'll have clean this won't i' mind 2 thinks, annoyed 'you got it?' thinks mind 3 'it doesn't matter right now, we're so close' raydon thinks, already out the door.

'where are we going?' 3 thinks 'anywhere' thinks ray. he finds a car next to the park, 'this'll do but we need more than what a car has' 'you shouldn't do that, it's not yours and you didn't ask' says 4 'well they 're not using it' says raydon and the others. and with that he starts taking apart the engine.

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Cassandra smiled as she took in the beauty of the park, she loved taking these "nature walks" and meeting new people (and animals). She waved at everyone who walked by, and they'd usually wave back, she played some cute lo-fi on Spotify and she listened to it through her earbuds. Cassie waited all week to do this, and it was worth it.

Her happiness didn't last long though, she headed to her car. Her eyes widened, "What the hell?" she whispered to herself. Cassia hadn't seen crime in this town ever since she'd moved in, she instantly froze behind a tree, away from the dude's sight.

She pulled out a few essential things from her small purse, her phone, pepper spray, a small teddy bear as big as her hand, and lip gloss. She dialed 911 but didn't call them yet but observed the dude taking the engine out of her car. He didn't even try to drive off with it, he just took it apart right there, on the street.

Cassie didn't know whether to laugh or scream in rage. She did neither and casually walked towards the dude, "Hey! What the HELL are you doing with my car?!"

Before he could answer, she forcefully jabbed the teddy bear in the stomach with the lip gloss and held it there, transferring the pain to the dude taking apart her car, "You better get the living heck out of here before I call the police!"

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

he falls backwards on the ground wincing and looks back at her "hey what was that? is it…like a taser, or something?" he says getting right back up and reaching for the teddy bear, but then his arm froze against his will 'don't do that. just walk away while you can' says 4 'i'd rather see what it is' says 2 'yeah same here' says ray and 3 'but 4 (with a lot of effort) starts to speak aloud "im…sorry, miss."

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(Btw what are 2,3, and 4? And do they have different voices? Just wondering.)

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

(oh right those r the parallel minds. like you know how you can only properly focus\think about one thing? there're literally just more of him so he can focus\think on a lot more so you can almost never catch him off guard)

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Cassie didn't answer the guy, she only glared at him. She let out a short gasp and instinctively pulled back her hands as he reached for the bear. She jabbed the bear in the groin and twice as hard in the stomach again, transferring the pain into the dude once more.

When the man apologized, she didn't change her ticked off expression, "Apology accepted," she paused and raised an eyebrow, "Also, can you help me fix the car to how it was before, please. If you can take it apart, I'm pretty sure you can put it back together."

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(I mean, if some random person destroyed my stuff, without permission. And i can protect myself without touching the dude, I sure as heck would do what she did. (But then again, that's my dumb self, vomiting up my intrusive thoughts.) So yeah… you have a point, lol. 😳👍)

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

"well i could in theory. but i kinda need it right now but i'll give it back in a day or two." says ray 'that's bad, put it back!' 4 says 'wow i've never heard you say this much in one 4' 3 sneakers. "weeeell how about i pay for it" 'we have money right 2?' ray thinks 'nope. no money at all'

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(Wait, can you do me a favor, if it is okay with you. Whenever Ray thinks, or the parallel minds speak in Ray's head, could you put it in italics, please? Also, how is my dude (Ray) not in pain?😅)

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Cassandra scoffed, the audacity of this man pissed her off even more, "In a day or two?! Homie, what makes you think I'm gonna leave my car here for some other goons to rip off more parts?"

She lifted the gloss, ready to stab it into the teddy again, "Should i have to hurt you even more, or maybe call the police?" She sighed exasperatedly, "Well, at least could you help me get it towed or something, I don't know."

Cassie tried to smile politely although it was clear in her eyes that she had no idea what to do by this point and that she almost wanted to let tears gush out of her eyes.

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

"Well I'm almost done with my project… wait police? ummmm?" 'does anyone remember what those are?' 'no' says 3 'i got nothing' says 2 "WELL that settles it, none of us know what that is. so"

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(Thanks for using italics, that really helps.🥰 Also, did Ray say out loud? "WELL that settles it, none of us know what that is. so")