forum I need another fecking RP // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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Indigo had been owned by Riven for about a month now. He wasn't kind, but he hadn't outright abused her, at least. He was mean, and his tongue was cutting and cruel, but he had not laid a hand on her, save for one time when he had pushed them against a wall with anger. Other than that, he had not laid a hand on her. Whether this was due to morals or simply enough hate that he could not bear to touch them…well, that was anyone's guess.

At the moment, the young prince was not in his chambers. He was visiting a friend– or possibly a more than friend –leaving Indigo alone in his chambers. They had been alone for most of the day when there was a knock on the door, which was…strange. Riven wouldn't knock, and neither would any of his friends. So who could this be?


(chanting pls be Lor, pls be Lor)
Compared to Olympia, Riven was so much better. Whereas Olympia and her husband were violent and loud, Riven was just grumpy and spiteful. Indigo could deal with that, and every time he tried to insult her, they would just be amused.
But of course, the times where he wasn’t present were the most enjoyable. Between his absences and Indigo’s trips outside and to the library, they were able to gather the resources she needed to make the teas and pastes for when she wasn’t feeling their best. Teas for when she couldn’t sleep or was feeling stressed, herbal pastes for when they accidentally wounded themself. It was enjoyable to make them too.
So it was on one of these days that Indigo heard the knock. She had been sorting through the plants they’ve been gathering, making sure there was enough for another recipe she wanted to try. Confused by the sound, they had to pause and think before going and answering the door.


(how dare you read my mind–)

Lor stood outside the door. They weren't in their plumber's uniform, instead in a long sleeve shirt and a pair of old, worn trousers. "Indigo?" They greeted slowly. "Is the prince at home right now?" They looked vaguely worried as they asked the question. If the answer was yes, they would leave immediately. They wanted to speak with Indigo, not with the prince.


She blinked, having to scramble to remember the person’s name. “Lor,” they finally said. “It’s been a while. His Highness isn’t here at the moment. Do you need to speak with him?”
Since the prince wasn’t here, Indigo was acting more casual. She leaned against the doorframe, tugging their shawl around them.


"No, I do not." they replied, shaking their head. "I was, actually, hoping to speak with you, if you are available right now?" their hair was still buzzed short, dark against their head. "If you are not, then that is fine and I will be on my way." they gave Indigo a quick smile.


(Dang I was imagining them as a redhead this whole time)
“Oh.” She tilted her head. “With me? Alright then, I’m not busy. Do you want to come in, or…?”
This was certainly unusual. Sorting herbs could wait.


(oof lol)

"If that is alright? And if we have time before the prince returns, I…would not want to get in his way." Lor did not want Riven to hear the things that they were going to be speaking about with Indigo; assassination and secret rebellions against the Fae were not something that a Fae prince should be hearing of.


“I see,” Indigo said as they stood aside to let Lor in. “We’ll go to my room.”
They closed the door, then led them into the small space cut off from the rest of the prince’s chambers. She sat down on the bed, and since there was no other place to sit, gestured for Lor to come next to her.
“Alright, what is it?” They rest her chin on their hand.


Lor sat down on the bed, taking a deep breath. "First, I need to know if I can trust you." they said. "If I tell you something that is not…quite…legal, are you going to report me?"


This was getting more interesting by the second. Indigo raised an eyebrow. “Not quite legal, eh? Nah. I’m good at keeping secrets. And at this point, you could be reported for the most minor things.”
Wait, are they asking me this because I’m half Fae? they suddenly wondered. Perhaps, but there was no way to tell. Well, I am very close to the prince these days… whatever it is, asking beforehand was probably a smart move.


"No matter what it is?" Lor raised their eyebrows at Indigo, still seeming just a bit worried. "Actually– would you give your consent to accompanying me…elsewhere? To speak of this?" they seemed antsy at being in the prince's quarters.


"Alright," she muttered slowly, "His Highness certainly won't miss me if he finds me absent, so I will go with you."
The suspense was almost unbearable, but they understood Lor's caution. And honestly, Indigo was still asking that question themself. Being a slave didn't really give her the privilege to assess her morals. It was just about surviving.


Lor nodded faintly, standing and leading the way out. They led Indigo through the winding, sprawling halls of the palace, eventually moving from the "newer" area into what was usually labeled the Old Palace. The Old Palace formed what was now, essentially, the right wing of the palace. It was visibly older, the marble more worn and the floors just a little uneven now, having settled with age. It was still grand and beautiful, its age only enhancing that beauty.


She followed, looking around as they entered the older wing of the palace. They had never ventured here in the past; the parties the Thistlewells took her to were usually held in the newer side, and the only times she ever went out of the prince’s chambers were to sneak into the library or the kitchens.


Lor was quiet, leading them down a small side hallway that didn't look like it was often used. They paused in front of a tapestry, looking over at her for a long moment, then brushed aside the tapestry and pressed their hand to one of the stones. For a long moment, nothing happened. Then, with the soft sound of stone sliding along stone, the wall section moved back and away. Now, a dark hole yawned before them, a passageway to who knew where.


Indigo had assumed that the hallway had been mainly used by other servants and slaves in the past, and so she was confused by the tapestry. Usually the servant’s halls did not need as much decoration as a tapestry. They said nothing, only waited until Lor pressed the stone behind it. It was at this point that she began to question her decision to follow them, but as much as the sliding hidden door unnerved, it also intrigued. She gestured for Lor to go first.


Lor hesitated for a moment, studying her, and then they led Indigo into the hall. Once they were both inside, Lor pressed their hand to another stone, and the door ground shut. For a moment, they were left in complete darkness, and then Lor said a quiet word, hand still pressed to the wall. Small stones inlaid along the walls lit up, lighting their way down the halls.