forum Flipping the Script!! / Rp partner needed! Open!!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Karia made sure to keep a lookout at their back, just in case Mycah decided to try and sneak up behind them. It didn't seem like Sam was having much luck, and he was starting to think that maybe they weren't there. That was, of course, the moment Mycah decided to make their move. A bolt of black streaked towards him. He saw it at almost the very last moment but managed to dodge it enough to make it not fatal. It made a deep cut in his arm, but it wouldn't kill him. "Gah! They're here," Karia gasped, stumbling back a step towards Sam.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sam looked to Karia, a protective arm moving to wrap around him and pull him close. From how the gash was on his arm, and the direction it came from… Sam reached into his pocket, pulling a doll out. It was worn, and old. Very, very old. Sam touched the tip of his knife to it, the doll growing in size. It stood there, in front of the two now, face still fixed in place. It knew what to do, though, standing in the way of any attackers that might try to take the two men out.
"Ready?" Sam asked, reaching in his pocket again to grab some wrap for Karia's arm, making quick work of it.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Ugh, yeah." Karia shook his head a few times, angry that Mycah had managed to land a hit on him. It was just embarrassing. He was slightly confused about the doll that had appeared, but it was doing a good job. Mycah also appeared to be confused about it, because they only took one or two more shots at them before going quiet. "I'm going to check where they are so I can get you behind them. One sec." Karia took a deep breath, shifting into a fly and landing on the doll's shoulder. Hopefully, they wouldn't be so paranoid that they would shoot anything that moved.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Hopefully. The doll didn't move as Karia landed on it, standing nearly completely still as it stood in front of Sam. Sam looked irked, mostly that someone would dare to attack Karia and him, but he didn't seem to feel there was any danger at all to himself.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah didn't. They didn't know Karia could shapeshift, so they probably just thought it was a regular fly if they saw him at all. Karia scanned the area where the bullet had come from. Mycah wasn't visible, which meant he would have to get closer. Karia took off, buzzing around as much as he could. Eventually, Mycah came into view. They were smaller than he expected, but in a place where he could appear behind them without too much trouble. Karia spun around and flew back to Sam.
"Alright, I can get you behind them. Be careful, alright?" He shifted back into himself next to Sam.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I'll be sure to." Sam looked to Karia as he came back, slipping his hand into the other's.
"You be safe too you know. This thing'll keep you safe if you stick close to it." Sam tapped the doll's shoulder with the back of his knife and offered a small smile.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Alright." Kaira nodded, giving Sam's hand a little squeeze. "I'm taking a whole party to them, aren't I?" He laughed, grabbing the doll with his other hand. In a second, they were all standing behind Mycah. They jumped and whirled around. For one second, their face was full of shock and confusion. The next second they managed to cover it up, but Karia saw it. "Hey there, Mycah! How's it going?" Mycah responded with a sweeping motion. Karia was expecting bullets, but instead, it was a sort of black rope. No, it was almost like a net. Pan had not mentioned this.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

No, she had not, which wouldn't end well for her once this was over.
Sam had been smirking until the net like object was through at them. The doll was quick to act, though, putting itself between the net and the two men.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Karia was ready to move, but Sam's doll was able to stop the net before it did any damage. "That wasn't a bullet." He remarked out loud, waving his finger at the net. Mycah's lip curled in distaste as they waved their hand. The net melted away and returned to them.
"You two don't give up," they sighed, standing slowly. "What are you doing here? What do you want?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I'm a bit disappointed, but I'll deal with her later." Sam glanced over as Mycah stood, eyebrow raising. He moved to behind his doll, putting his elbow on it's shoulder as a rest.
"You, obviously," he noted. "Why would we give up?"

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Can't wait to see it," Karia laughed.
"Me? What for?" They glanced between the two of them. "I don't recognize either of you." Karia smirked at them. Their cluelessness was very funny. They looked ready for action, however, so this might prove to be more difficult than the other ones. Well, it already had, seeing as Karia had gotten hurt. He was still annoyed about that.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well, I'm glad for that. People aren't supposed to recognize us. I'm new in town anyway." Sam was deceptively lazy through the encounter, resting his arm and chin on Karia's shoulder.
"Should we tell them why or let them guess?" He asked Karia, glancing to his partner in crime.