forum Closed oxo
Started by @callycat

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Cyprus glanced over at him, mock serious, but he couldn’t keep the smile off his face for long. It was just too ridiculous, arguing over coffee like they were actually friends. “You’re lucky you’re not human, I’m pretty sure your liver wouldn’t be too pleased with that policy. I suppose I can empathize though, even if I prefer a little more freedom with what I drink. Alcohol is pretty amazing, especially cocktails.”


"Ah who cares, you only get one life, why not spend it doing what you want having fun. Actually living while you're somewhat young." He shook his head with a smile. It was probably one of the best conversations he'd had in a while. A genuine conversation at that, too, "If it's fruity then it's great. If it burns on the way down, even better. Sometimes I wish I was human just to experience that dumbass drunk state again."


Cyprus laughed quietly. "I guess I can see the fun in that, and you've definitely got good taste in alcohol, but… I dunno. I've always been a fan of putting caveats on the whole 'live while you're young' thing. I mean… I certainly lived, and all I got out of it was a couple shitty boyfriends and an addiction." He ran a hand through his hair, hoping he wasn't oversharing too much. "I mean… maybe things are different now, I don't really know. Haven't been young in about 80 years."


"You can still go out and have fun," Bryce nudged Cyprus gently, "You're old by human years but not by vampire ones. Why spend all your time brooding about not being young or whatever when you could find someone to hang out with and have fun with," He shrugged, "Just because you reach a certain age doesn't mean you stop truly living."


Cyprus leaned into him, laughing quietly. “I know, I know, I just…” He reached up, hand running through his hair again. He’d been terrified when he started getting greys. Now they were just another thing he shoved to the back of his mind to worry about later. “… I feel old, I guess. And I don’t have many people to hang out with anyways, my friends are busy.” Or gone, but he didn’t think about that.


"Maybe you just need a good distraction, then," Bryce mused, brain ticking over the others words, "To take your mind off of that feeling. Do something that will make you feel young with someone you wouldn't mind hanging around with for a while. Maybe one of your friends next time they're free to see you."


“Maybe.” Cyprus sounded doubtful. “I don’t really know what makes me feel young these days, I haven’t exactly been living it up.” His life, for the most part, was quiet and self-contained. He stayed home, sketched, cleaned, maybe went out for a hike at night. “Most of my friends are kind of booked anyways, but… I don’t think I’d mind hanging around you.” He glanced over at Bryce, trying not to be too transparent. “And you certainly have a handle on… I don’t know… reveling in your eternal youth?”


Bryce shrugged a shoulder, the grin turning into something more soft, gentle even, "Blame it on the recklessness of being young and being abandoned by my sire, since I'm not gonna kill anyone in protest, why not just get stupidly drunk? Well, as much as possible. Besides, you can't really do much else at night as most places are closed."


Cyprus stared at him for a little too long before he ducked his head, laughing quietly. “Yeah, the night life here is a bit lacking. And you can only go to the same bar so many times before you start wanting to tear your hair out.” Even though he loved Haven, he could only visit every so often without feeling like shit. “But hey, maybe we can find something a little more interesting to do if we put our heads together."


The young vamp couldn't help but feel slightly insecure under the others gaze however the feeling was gone once he looked away, "That depends on how badly you want to spend a night with me." Bryce replied, letting out a soft chuckle, "Maybe we could find some part of town that is actually interesting and new to the both of us. Maybe we could find a secret hide out."


Cyprus flushed a bit, looking away. "Well as fun as it is to have you over, I wouldn't want to pressure you into anything." He wanted to. Bryce was charming and sweet and Cyprus couldn't help but be drawn in. He wanted to spend more time with him, maybe even become friends. "A secret hide out might be fun, though. I haven't really been south of the river, maybe we can try looking down there to start off?"


Bryce couldn't help but smile when he saw the other flush a little. It was cute, and the fact that Bryce hadn't even said anything that could make that happen in his mind, he was slightly glad it had happened, "I haven't been that way for a while. In fact I think I might have only been there once. Seems like a good place to start." He wanted to spend time with Cyprus. He didn't know why, he had only really just met the guy and usually he didn't spend too much time with thin-bloods, let alone people over twice his age. But.. he didn't mind the thought.


Cyprus' smile was small but bright as he glanced up at Bryce. "Alright. Why don't you meet me down at the river walk this Friday?" Part of him wanted to schedule it a little sooner, but he'd need time to prepare. It had been a long time since he'd actually gone out with a friend, he barely remembered how to do it anymore. "We can take one of those night tours down to the south side, it'll be fun."


He nodded, his smile growing a fraction, "Sounds like a date, I'll meet you there then." It would make a change to not go out partying and drinking all night, to go out with a friend and do something simple, like the walk. Maybe it would be a good change. Bryce could tell that it probably was a very good change if the butterflies in his stomach had anything to say about it.


Cyprus mirrored his smile, small and cautious but also excited. "I'll look forward to it." He bumped his shoulder against Bryce's again, companionable, and then pushed himself up off the couch so he could grab the sketches for Bryce before he forgot. It was starting to get late—around midday—so he closed the windows in the guest room before he wandered back in. "For now, let's get you settled in. I bet you're kind of dead on your feet by now, yeah?"


Bryce gave him a tired smile. He'd been trying to push away his exhaustion from a night out and by now he felt like he was about to fall asleep where he was sitting, "Was it obvious?" He rubbed at his face with one hand, standing from the couch with a quiet yawn. Sleep sounded fantastic, a good night of sleep as well. He hadn't realised how little sleep he had gotten and how late in the day it was.


Cyprus laughed quietly, looking him up and down with a small smile. It was still a bit surreal, having a full blood in his house, but he was surprisingly unbothered beyond that feeling. "Just a little bit. Your room's just down the hall, first door on your left." Hesettled on the couch again, grabbed the remote so he could flick through TV channels. "D'you want me to wake you up when the sun goes down? Or should I just let you sleep?"


He rubbed at the back of his neck with a small shrug, "Ah- just let me sleep.. if, that's okay with you, I wouldn't want to intrude." He already felt like he was overstepping, at least a little, by staying until sundown. Staying even longer felt like a stretch. It didn't help the fact that Cyprus was a thin-blood, and even though they had made plans to hang out soon, he was still a little cautious about what he did and did not do.


Cyprus nodded, taking a few seconds to find a good answer. "You're not intruding," he started, because that was the easy part. It was weird, sure. Weird to have someone else here, weird that that person was a full blood, but not weird in a way that made him anxious. "It's nice to have someone else in the house, and… well… we're friends now, right? Friends help each other out all the time. It's no big deal."


(Just so you know, I'm going out of town tomorrow to visit family so I'm going to head to bed early for the night. I'll be off until Monday afternoon. Hope you have a good night/weekend!)


(its all good, I took a small break for my birthday/going through a breakup, anyway)
Bryce couldn't help but smile softly, tiredly. He suppressed yet again another yawn before he replied, "Yeah, I suppose we are friends now. Thank you again, for helping me and letting me stay. I'll talk to you in the evening. Goodnight." He gave a small nod to Cyprus, the smile still present before he turned and headed to the room where Cyprus had indicated towards.


(Well happy birthday and I hope things get better for you soon!!)

Cyprus smiled back at him, settling against the couch cushions. "I'm looking forward to it already, Bryce. Sleep well, I'll probably be hanging around in here when you wake up." He glanced over at Bryce out of the corner of his eye for a few minutes, keen on making sure he managed to find his room, but his attention slid away after that and he found himself more occupied with the stupid dating show he'd found than anything else.


(Thank you :) )

Bryce slept peacefully throughout the whole day. He didn't wake once as the day dragged on and the sun started to slip over the horizon. It might as well been one of the best sleeps he'd had in a while. But maybe that was the alcohol in his body. Not that he cared, he was just glad to have slept. It was just when the moon was starting to rise fairly high over the horizon did he wake up. Maybe around eight o'clock, he didn't know. The full blood climbed out of bed, yawning and rubbing his eyes as he left the bedroom.


Cyprus was on and off as the day dragged on. He napped for a few hours, took a hike, wandered into the city proper so he could grab some groceries, and swung back home fast enough to sketch the sunset since he'd missed the rise. He was still sketching idly when Bryce wandered in, capturing the faces of the actors who flashed across the TV. It took him a while to even notice Bryce was up, too absorbed in his drawing.


Bryce watched Cyprus for a moment, a gentle smile on his face as he watched the pencil move gracefully across the paper. It was something he couldn't do himself and well, admired, "Good morning," He said quietly. He knew he could talk louder, however he didn't want to scare Cyprus and ruin the nice drawing, "Or well, good evening, I suppose." He corrected, moving to sit next to the other vamp.