forum Closed oxo
Started by @callycat

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Cyprus heaved a dramatic sigh but he couldn't wipe the small smile off his face. "Fine, fine. You're not coming back to the bar, though." He turned to look Bryce in the eye, mock serious. In all honesty, it would be nice to get out of the house with Bryce, even if it was to do an activity he didn't particularly care for. "If you want me to drink one of those things, you're going to have to find us some neutral ground. And you're paying for it."


"Done deal!" Bryce was quick to get up from the couch. He ran his hands through his hair a couple times, a grin plastered all over his face before he held his hand out for the taller male, "Come on then! No time like the present is what I always say." He was excited, that much was obvious. But Bryce couldn't help it. He'd made a new friend and Cyrpus had agreed to one drink with him. An win in his eyes.


Cyprus laughed quietly as he took it, giving Bryce's hand a firm shake before he let go. It was sort of cute, how excited he got. It was just a simple drink, nothing fancy, and yet Bryce got so much joy out of it. "Well I'm glad you're looking forward to it, kid. Take me out this weekend okay? Do you have a car?" Everyone knew all the best bars were in the inner city, and unfortunately for Cyprus that was pretty far from his house. "Or am I catchign the subway to meet up with you?"


Bryce rolled his eyes at the handshake, however there was still a grin on his face as he did so, "Fine fine, Saturday is in. I'll pick you up at nine?" Prime time for getting good drinks at a great price without it being overcrowded in the clubs. He'd been out enough to know and honestly? He was excited to go out with Cyprus. To get to know him and show him around the city.


Cyprus considered for a few moments before he nodded, face splitting into a grin. Most of the time going out wasn't something he enjoyed, but he got the feeling that Bryce would make it entertaining and anyways, he relished the opportunity to spend more time with him. "I think I can swing that, you'll come and pick me up here?"


"I'll be here at exactly nine o'clock, not a second late." He nearly giggled. It had been a while since Bryce had been out with someone who was actually interesting, wasn't a prick and made him genuinely smile. People like that were hard to find these days and for that he was going to make the most of being able to go out with Cyrpus.


"I'm holding you to that," he warned, unable to keep the smile off his face or out of his voice. It would be interesting, to make the company of a full blood, especially such a young one. "Get here at 9:01 and you're buying me the most extravagant shit the bar keeps in stock, now… ah…" Cyprus scooted away slightly, suddenly very aware of how close they'd been sitting. "… we should probably get you home, yeah? Sunset's come and gone, you've probably got someone waiting for you."


"Is this your way of saying you're tired of my company for the evening?" Bryce teased, running a hand through his hair causally. Not that he had anyone waiting for him back home, but he supposed he had stayed longer than he should, and he needed a shower as well. Long with a good change of clothes, "I'm surprised it's taken you this long to kick me out."


Cyprus laughed quietly, knocking their shoulders together with a playful smile as he made his way to his feet. He offered Bryce a hand after. There was a certain excitement in his eyes, bright and sparkling as he glanced down at the man before him. "No, no, nothing like that. Trust me, if I wanted you out of here you'd know." He chuckled quietly, tugging Bryce to his feet. "I'm just saying that you probably want to get home. After all, the first step to picking me up is leaving so that you can come back."


Bryce took the others hand gladly, brushing himself down when he was standing. He chuckled softly, "Suppose you're right there," He said, slipping his hands into his pockets, "You gonna walk home with me?" He asked, his tone holding a joking nature even though a part of him hoped the older male would. he headed to the door, glancing over his shoulder at Cyprus for a moment.


Cyprus considered for a few moments before, with a small smile on his face, he nodded. "Sure, may as well squeeze out a few more minutes of company." Like Bryce, he kept a playful tone to his voice and an undercurrent of sincerity underneath. "How far is it?" He had work in half an hour or so, and he wouldn't go, obviously, but he'd like to know just how late he was going to be.


The young vampire shrugged a shoulder, "Maybe twenty minutes walk from here? A little longer possibly? You don't have to come if you don't want to or you're working or anything." He scratched at the back of his neck, maybe a little awkwardly as he smiled at the other male.


"No, no, I'm coming." He gave Bryce a crooked smile, "You've already seen my house, it's only fair that I figure out where yours is. Especially since we're going to be friends." He swung the door open as he spoke, waving the younger vamp through.


Friends. He liked the word, and Cyprus made it sound even better when he said it, "Alright then, prepare to enjoy a walk in the woods." Bryce headed out the door and glanced around for a moment to get his bearings, figuring out which way he needed to head to get home. He waited until Cyprus was out the door and had it shut before headed off towards the tree line.


Cyprus laughed quietly and followed him into the forests. Normally he wandered through in the daylight—he liked hiking, but in the dark he was more likely to break an ankle than find something cool—but it was something else at night. Moonlight filtered in through the leaves, turning the normally straightforward paths into a maze of silver and ethereal curtains of light. "Isn't it a little… I don't know, inconvenient to live somewhere so secluded?"


Bryce shrugged a shoulder, "I mean… I suppose so. I've never really thought of it like that." Solitude was something that he liked. It was peaceful, quiet, gave him time to think after a night of partying, "I think the scenery and the drive into town outweighs the inconvenience of driving all or walking all that way." He shrugged, "Sure, maybe it's a little lonely but nothing that would want to make me move away from all these beautiful views."


"I forgot, you're a painter." He gave Bryce a playful little smile, though in reality he really couldn't fault him. It was secluded, but full vamps didn't need people the way humans did. They were made for solitude, made for darkness and pretty views and all the beauty of the night. "You thrive on scenery, right? Gotta get something new to be inspired by every night or you'll die of shame like the dramatic Toreador you are."


Bryce snorted, shaking his head with a light chuckle, "Ah yes, because all of us are so dramatic that if we don't fulfill our aesthetic needs we'll just drop dead from the embarrassment." He nudged Cyprus, "But it is part of the reason I live out here, there's enough walks around that I could travel half an hour from home and have completely different views then the one from my window. It's perfect."


Cyprus nudged him back with a quiet laugh. "I know you're type, you can't tell me that you didn't move here because you loved the views. It's perfect for an artist." He scanned around for a few moments, taking in the view. "Especially perfect for someone who does watercolor. All these trees, all this sky." He sighed quietly, and when his gaze finally landed on Bryce it was soft and wonder struck, unchanging. Bryce was beautiful too, with his bright eyes and his long lashes. "You must be living the dream."


The younger vamp smiled, breathing in deeply before releasing it softly, "Yeah, I guess so." He was, though, he knew it and was forever grateful for the opportunities he had, "There's this little outlook not too far from my house that over looks the valley when the moon rises and coats everything in silver it's just fantastic. Couldn't imagine what the sunrises are like from that spot." He glanced over at Cyprus with a soft blush, "You should check it out sometime."


Cyprus met his eyes easily, doing his best not to let his eyes catch on the blush. Did he seem this cute earlier today? Or was all this affection a new feeling? He wasn't sure, but either way it was difficult to keep from being distracted. "Who knows, maybe I'll even add some pastels, just for you. Or do a little thumbnail with colors, so you can capture it right when you paint it yourself. Maybe I'll even take pictures." He gave Bryce a small, almost playful smile. "God knows you don't see enough sunrises."


Bryce couldn't help but let his smile grow a couple fractions, turning his gaze from Cyprus to the ground so maybe the burning in his cheeks would go away. He knew it wouldn't though, "One of the downsides of being a full vamp," He said, "Pictures don't do them enough justice, but you know, if I do end up painting it you'd be the first to see. Promise."


"Oh, you're making me promises now?" Bryce didn't need to look at him to hear the smirk in his voice. He was pleased. Preening, almost, that he'd gotten Cyprus so flustered. It had been a long time since he'd dated, but it was nice to know he still had game. Especially with someone he was finding he liked quite a bit. "You'll have to show off this spot sometime soon then, so I can make sure you keep your word."


"Guess you'll have to come over when you're not working if you're so desperate for me to keep that promise then." He replied. The burning didn't go away even if he willed it to. Bryce hadn't been this flustered in a while. It was a strange feeling but one that he was realised he didn't mind. There was something about Cyprus that was different to the other vamps he'd met. He knew it was a stupid thought but it was true. A good different, though.


"Fine." Cyprus thumped him on the shoulder gently, smirk breaking into a full on grin as he caught the blush on Bryce's cheeks. Really pretty, almost unfairly pretty, in the ways Toreadors always seemed to be. There was something else to him too, this optimism that Cyprus had never really seen before. Bryce made him happy, in ways he hadn't been happy in a long time. "I'll come over tomorrow then, and you're going to show me this fancy spot and I'm going to bring some champaign since you seem to find drinking in inappropriate places so charming."