forum Angsty Roleplay Because I Want Another One - OXO - (Romance)
Started by @cryptic-glitch

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@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Right. The first step for that would be to find out where we are in relation to where I came from. So far we are failing that step." Gold didn't have any knives to organize, so he put his hair back into a braid. It was less annoying to deal with than a ponytail, and hiding his face didn't seem to be very important anymore.


Kayin put all their knives back in their sheaths and looked at Gold, slightly irritated. "Well, I'm doing the best I know how. It isn't like I have a map on me. And I suggest you don't make me angry while I have a knife in my hand." He waved the knife menacingly.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Why don't you carry a map with you, again? It would probably be a really big help." Gold gave the knives an unimpressed look. "What are you going to do, stab me? What about the reward?" He was mostly sure that asking Kayin if they were going to stab him would end up with him being stabbed, but… well. His mouth was faster than his brain this time.


Kayin growled. "I can stab your leg. Or your arm. Or your foot. I can hurt you without killing you. And I don't carry a map, because if I lose it, someone can track me with it, or will be able to see where I am going."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"That would make moving around harder, though, wouldn't it?" Gold raised his eyebrows. "You or your dragon would have to carry me around if you stabbed my leg. I don't think you'd want that, would you?" He sighed. "I guess. It would be so very helpful right now, however. Maybe you could learn how to keep a better eye on your maps."


"I doubt you're very difficult to carry around. You're quite short. And how was I supposed to know that I was going to have to tote around a prestigious son of a higher-up today? I do perfectly fine without a map, than you ever so much."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Gold make an annoyed sound. "A 'prestigious son of a higher-up'. Really? I am no such thing. People think too highly of me. They really need to stop." He gave an exaggerated laugh. "Oh, yes, you do. That's why we have no idea where we are!"


"I don't need to know where I am to survive, unlike some," Kayin said, his tone growing angrier. "And don't forget, I can just leave you here. The money is just a bonus. I don't need you."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Alright, fine! Leave me. I don't need you either." Gold rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. You're being dramatic again. I think you should stop, Lekin snapped. "Oh, shut up." Lekin let out an angry sigh, and then stopped telling Gold a single thing. He gasped slightly at the sudden silence, and waved his hands at the bird. "Stop it!"


Aspen had landed nearby, and relayed what the bird had said to Kayin. "Your friend makes a good point. I saved your sorry ass. You should be a little grateful."
Aspen crouched down next to Kayin. The people you were running from are getting closer.
"Fine." Kayin swung themself up onto Aspen's back. "You can stay and take your chances with those people, or you can put up with me. Your choice."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Lekin, being the annoying bird that they were, declined to continue not telling Gold a single thing anyone was saying. Gold growled in frustration and marched towards them. "Stop it this instant! You know when I say 'shut up', I mean the things you have to say, right? Not everything else!" Oh, I'm sorry, Lekin said, not sounding the least bit remorseful. They waited for a few more seconds, then started being useful again. Gold managed to catch Kayin's last statement, and would have preferred he hadn't. "Fine, I'm coming," He grumbled, climbing onto Aspen's back as well. "And you! I'd better not have missed anything important." Gold pointed an accusing finger at Lekin. Why was the safest option with this… extremely frustrating individual? The next town, he was leaving them.


Kayin hid a slight smile, and told Aspen to go. The dragon quickly shot at least 200 feet in the air, and began flying west at a rapid pace. "You know, I didn't expect you to actually agree to travel with me."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Well, you're the only way to get out of here," Gold said in a rather annoyed tone. On the takeoff, he had wrapped his arms around Kayin's waist and didn't appreciate that in the least bit. Why couldn't the dragon take off a little less suddenly? He could have fallen off!


"That isn't necessarily true," Kayin pointed out. "And don't get annoyed with me. Do you realize, both times we've taken off, you've attempted to bruise and or mutilate my inner organs? I'm tempted to shove you off."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Alright, fine. You're the easiest way to get out of here," Gold amended. "Well, if your dragon would take off in a more gentle manner, I wouldn't have to do this. I would have fallen off if I hadn't, as you called it, 'mutilated your inner organs'."


"You certainly wouldn't have. Really, if you'd just relax, this would go a whole lot better." Kayin shifted slightly.
Aspen snorted his agreement. It isn't my fault he doesn't know how to ride a dragon.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Really, I wouldn't have?" Gold laughed. "Sure." He loosed his grip on Kayin, however. His grip was definitely too tight, and the ride was much smoother now. Gold didn't have to worry too much… probably.


"I fell off Aspen exactly once," Kayin said. "And his wing was on fire. I assure you, riding on a dragon is perfectly safe. You're overreacting."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"I'm justified. This is a new experience." Gold glared at Kayin, even though he probably wouldn't be able to tell. "And I'm generally on edge right now. Being chased down by assassins will do that to you."


"You're riding a dragon with an assassin," Kayin said amusedly. "Really, you are overreacting. I wouldn't be surprised if you hyperventilated."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"I'm not going to do that." Gold let out a long sigh. Hikama, he couldn't wait until he didn't need to rely on this insul annoyance anymore. Just a little longer, hopefully.


"You could. I'm just presenting the possibilities." He sat stiffly, unused to having someone this close to her, much less with their arms around their waist.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"I'm telling you that I won't." Gold rolled his eyes. "Though I doubt you would care either way. Probably push me off the dragon for daring to not know something. And that is not an invitation to do so, alright?"


"I was just kidding, you know. I think you'd benefit from lightening up just a little bit." Kayin rolled his eyes. "And for gods' sake, please don't make me regret dragging you off that beach."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Yeah, we can do that whole 'lightening up' thing when my life stops being in constant danger." Gold pushed hair out of his face and prayed to the gods that this terrible ordeal would wrap itself up nice and neat and soon. Hikama, please let it be soon. "I feel as though we already crossed that bridge, haven't we?"