forum Angsty Roleplay Because I Want Another One - OXO - (Romance)
Started by @cryptic-glitch

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@MarDeColores this is not it kids

(Sorry for the delay, lots of things have been happening in my life lately.)
Gold let out a long sigh and nodded slightly. He wasn't questioning much of anything, and probably shouldn't be questioning anything at that point, given his current situation. He frowned at the suspicious hiding of the pin, but since there was no explanation given, he decided it would probably be best to ignore it. Instead, Gold followed Kayin in silence, filing away the pin for a later investigation.


(dw about it)
“What are you hoping to find here, anyway?” Kayin asked, concentrating on not sliding down the sandy slope. The sand kept shifting under his feet, making it near impossible to move. Kayin suspected that she could make the jump, but felt somewhat bad about leaving Gold to fend for himself.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Well for a start, I'm hoping to figure out just where I washed up." Gold paused, assessing the slope. It looked like Kayin was struggling a bit, which probably meant that Gold would end up falling down the hill. Perfect. If you don't try, you're not going to go anywhere, Lekin reminded him. "If I fall, it's your fault." Gold hissed at the bird, starting down as carefully as he could.


Kayin scowled and said, “I already told you where you washed up.” He stopped her descent and squinted, eyeing the distance to the bottom of the slope. After a moment of consideration, they jumped down, landing lightly on the balls of her feet.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"You told me a very vague location–" Gold broke off, having started sliding down the hill. He managed to stop himself, though he wasn't sure he could continue moving anymore. It was a very precarious situation and a very annoying one. "I need to know exactly where so I can figure out how to get back." He took a cautious step, slipped on the sand, and slid gracelessly to the bottom of the hill. "Oben, loume jyanan ye wuzei anis!" Gold exclaimed, slipping into Oprei for a second. The rough translation of that was 'they're dead'. An empty threat, as he didn't even know where 'they' were.


Kayin watched Gold fumbling down the him with thinly veiled amusement. “Poetry in motion,” he said, turning away from him and starting down the main road. “You’ve got sand in your hair, by the way.”

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Qana." Gold snapped, pulling himself upright. "It's almost like I fell down a sandy hill. I'm pretty sure I have sand everywhere." He brushed at his hair, sure that it was doing absolutely nothing. It made him feel slightly better, though. "Could you have picked a more difficult path to go for someone who nearly died?" Gold asked, hurrying after him.


Kayin bit his lip to suppress a grin. “Want me to close my eyes so you can shake out your pants? And to answer your question, I prefer to be more stealthy. It seems you’ve ruined that endeavor, however.”

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Eh, it's fine." Gold quickly brushed himself off as best as he could. He could shake his clothes out more later. It wasn't that uncomfortable, anyway. "If you wanted to be stealthy, you shouldn't have taken the person you found washed up on the beach with you. I would naturally not be very stealthy. It's your fault, not mine."


“Really,” Kayin said. “I mean, I could have killed you. I understand there’s a pretty penny for your head. Maybe I’m keeping you for collateral.”

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Hmm. If you wanted to kill me, the time has passed." Gold gave Kayin a suspicious glance. "And don't think about it." It figured that the person who helped him would be looking to turn him in to those assassins. Well, if worst came to worst, he could make a break for it. It wouldn't be the first time.


"I'm just kidding, idiot. And the time has not, in fact, passed. I could very easily incinerate you and get away with it. That is what I do for a living." Kayin returned Gold's look with a self-righteous smirk. "So don't get out of line."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Well, it's a terrible thing to kid about." Gold grumbled. "Huh. I promise you I won't make it easy." Stop bragging, Lekin snapped. You're not all-powerful. "Well, I have been trained for this all my life. If I gave in so easily I would be a disgrace to my family." He rolled his eyes at the bird. Kayin's last line bothered him a little because it hinted towards them being an assassin. He didn't get along with assassins.


"I already am a disgrace to my family," Kayin muttered under their breath. He tipped his head, peering at the buildings around them. "I don't suppose you have any idea where we'd find information in this quaint little town, do you?" He could feel loose strands of hair from when he had cut her hair slipping down their back, making his skin itch. She shifted slightly, growing uncomfortable.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Uh…" Gold sighed. "We could find the center of this place and see if they have any sort of sign." He glanced around. "Or we could ask someone, but that might make them suspicious. And it would go against your whole 'staying stealthy' thing, wouldn't it?" Gold let out a little laugh, then frowned slightly at Kayin's growl. "Is something wrong?"


(i am so sorry i disappeared i had to go to inpatient therapy)
“My back is itchy. I’m fine. I don’t see why you should be worried about me.” She scowled at Gold. “A sign is not a bad plan,” he amended.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

(You're good! Taking care of yourself is more important. :)
"I wasn't worried about you," Gold scoffed. "I was worried about me." Wow, great save there. Lekin made a sound like laughter. You sound so stupid. "Shut up." Gold narrowed his eyes at the bird. Fine, if you want me to. "Not like that, you–" He cut himself off, turning his attention back to Kayin. Thankfully Lekin hadn't stopped relaying what she had said for very long. "Alright, then. Sign hunting it is."


“What does my body language have to do with your well-being?” Kayin said sharply, starting forward and looking around for signs. He found one and stood in front of it, translating the characters carefully in her mind. “We’re in The Lagoon. That’s all it it says.” They glanced at Gold, hiding a slight smile as she watched the two fight. a

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Well, if your body language is bad, then I should be careful of you. Simple." Gold spared Kayin a glance before turning back to give Lekin one last glare. "Oh, great. That means nothing to me." He let out a short, angry breath. It seemed like those assassins had brought him a long way from Seajun.


Kayin frowned. “I’m sure that the assassins who attacked you removed you far from your hometown, wherever that may be. Assassins are nothing if not careful. You’re viewed as a liability. If they can’t kill you, they’ll make it look like you’re dead.”

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Yeah," Gold grumbled. "Wonderful." He ran a hand down his face slowly. "Insul Malak. Oben. Why can't they understand that they lost?" Gold burst out. "Insul Malak! Lou me jyanan wuzei un!" He didn't know that it was an assassin from Malak, but that made the most sense. They were still sore about losing the war.


“Don’t get your panties in a twist,” Kayin said wryly. “Nothing to be done about it now.” Kayin looked at Gold, his eyes narrowed slightly. “I feel like I should know who you are.”

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

(Just wanted to let you know, I'm visiting family this week and might not be able to respond very often.)
"I can still complain about it." Gold snapped, giving Kayin a glare. His heart skipped a beat at Kayin's last comment, though he tried not to let her know. Having people know who he was– saya and heir to the most powerful clan in Seajun– was a very bad idea. The assassins could be anywhere. "Why?" He asked casually, peering at him skeptically.


(dw about it! i know how that is (plus you put up with my disappearance /j))
“Because,” Kayin said. “If some assassins are willing to go to the ends of the earth to kill you, you must be at least somewhat reputable.” She scowled at him. “I may be a scoundrel, a murderer and a thief, but what I’m not is an idiot.”

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

(Thanks! :)
"I guess." Gold sighed. "Nice description of yourself. That makes me very relieved to be in your company." He rolled his eyes. It seemed like he wasn't going to be able to get back very fast. And he had no money, nothing but the clothes he was wearing. So it would probably be much slower. "Gods. Well. I'm good now, by the way. If you want to leave." Part of Gold wanted Kayin to leave, and the other part didn't want him to. Just because then, he would be very alone. Kayin was sketchy, though. It would probably be better to be alone than with them. Still…