forum A Hunter's Curse (Closed o/o with Nyx)
Started by @Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

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@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

She smiled and shook her head "dear that's not what I had asked but…now I'm concerned I've killed three times in my lifetime and you definitely did more than three, but I don't fully understand you used to be half human…until you died because of an angle, who killed you? And where are your parents?"

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel placed a hand over his mouth. “Oopsies, but yes, I have murdered more than you’d like to think.” He stepped out of the room, sitting in one of the armchairs in the library. “You might want to sit down. It’s a long story. My father was the king of hell before me. He hadn’t taken up a wife, but he knew he was running out of time. Going to earth, he seduced my mother and.” He paused, choosing his words carefully. “Impregnated my mother. My mother, unfortunately, was already engaged and married my stepfather. Together, they had my half-sister. I was born with royal blood and human blood.” He continued to talk about his calm childhood and how the hunters had let him join them, thinking he was human. “Now, in the middle of a battle, my sister was murdered. The angel of death wanted to take her soul away, but I wouldn’t let it happen. I attack him, but drove a knife through my heart because of fate. Anyway, the human half of my soul and body burned away in my death, resurrecting me as a demon since I was damned since birth. So, yes, I have felt death before, but I woke up as a demon. It doesn’t matter anymore.. it's in the past” He took a deep breath. “And as for my parents, my dad is dead and my mother lives on Earth.” He stood up. “Anyway, why don’t..go check on the decorations.”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel left the library, looking sad but determined. He walked along the hall that led into the grand wall. Entering the grand hall, decorations were coming along. Tables were finally put in their places and many decorations hung from the walls. The demons working turned to see Nathaniel and his queen. They froze. “In the nicest way possible, go away, it’s not ready yet!” A demon spoke, trying to direct Nathaniel somewhere else. He rolled his eyes and walked over to the stairs, climbing the left side rather than the right. Nathaniel walked down the hall, entering a grand room dressed in white. There were red and gold accents with pretty designs on the wall. Other seating arrangements were scattered around. A chandelier with diamonds hung above. He walked a red carpet and climbed onto a platform. On this platform was his throne. His throne was black with purple complimenting it. Behind his throne was a magnificent u-shaped window letting in the red light of hell. Nathaniel plopped down on his throne, red light casted over him.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember followed after him quietly even after they were redirected by the demons working on the party she kind of stood off to the side when he sat down not really knowing what to do she let out a quiet breathe breaking the silence"my king… love are you okay? I'm sorry if I upset you when I asked those questions I was just curious…"

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel propped his arm up on the arm of the throne, hand holding his head. He look as if he might cry, but also angry. “No my dear.” He croaked. “You didn’t do any wrong. Thinking about my past, my family, I hate it. They took everything away from me, Ember. They took everything I cherished!” Little tears dotted his face, but he tried to cover it up. “The hunters have to die! The angel’s have to die! My sister is dead because of them both! My father was murdered by them, and that forced my mom to live a life of shame! If my dad hadn’t been murdered, he could have raised me, here instead of on earth.” He groaned in despair, bigger tears running down his face. “I was raised the worst way possible!”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel struggled to catch a breath, tears of distress and anger stained his face. His hair covered his eyes half away, the big demon lord now crying over his past. He hugged Ember tightly, crying into her shoulder. No amount of words could make it better. Maybe only the promise their children wouldn’t suffer as they both had. Maybe a promise of revenge. Maybe a presentable way to fix the broken. Maybe, after all that, he would feel better.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

"Shh my dear it's okay I promise." She wrapped her arms around him rubbing his back gently "I promise nothing like this is going to happen to our children," she paused for a minute rating his head with her hand "and we will never let anyone hurt them, not the angels, not the hunters nobody"

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel heaved, catching a hold of his own breath. He kept his head buried in Ember's shoulder, sniffling as he held her tight. His body was shaking slightly, an unusual sight for the big, mighty king. After minutes of silence, he spoke. "How can we be sure, Ember? I want them to have freedom— to know who they are… not locked away, so they're not hurt." His voice was rough. "Is it truly okay?"

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel leaned his head on her neck, taking a deep breath. “If you say so dear. We’ll kill anything that tries to hurt them.” He kissed her neck softly, lifting his head up. His face was red and stained with tears. His eyes were slightly red and his hair was messy. He still seemed upset.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel’s smiled grew, keeping Ember locked in a hug. “Yes, I am better. I’m glad I have you. You make me feel better.” He kissed her back, pushing her closer to him as a child would with a teddy bear. “Never leave me.” He stood up, placing Ember on the throne. He materialized the queen’s crown and placed it gently on her head. It was a black circlet encrusted with red gems. “You look adorable!”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel shook his head. “You’re my wife, correct? Then it’s our throne.” He stood her up and spun her around. “Although, it’s my throne by blood and my subjects only see me as the true one to sit upon it.” He giggled, kissing Ember. “But I see differently. We both have crowns.” He snapped his fingers and his was suddenly on his head. It looked similar to Ember’s with a few differences in the design and size of the gems.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel raised an eyebrow. “Me? Crazy? How so? But I’ll never change. I will be the way you like me. Purely myself.” He brushed some of her hair forward to flow over her shoulders. He was already wearing his fancy suit, but Ember needed to change her clothes. “Hey dear, I need to you change into something more suitable for our party. You should find some wonderful clothing options in the closet of your room. I’ll walk you to it and wait outside.” He hooked his arm in hers and started to walk to the door of the throne room. Exiting into the hall, he walked her down the hallway and to her bedroom door.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

"Thank you sear I appreciate that." She spoke sweetly and she looked up at him "oh yeah I can do that sure." She walked along side him looking around the castle as they moved through the halls once that got to her room she slipped inside and closed the door, she walked over to her closet and opened the door a little shocked at what she was seeing it was a small walk-in closet with a mannequin and it held very beautiful dress,

The mannequin held a long black dress with thin straps an a v-line and a black chiffon shawl around the arms

She walked up to in grazing the shawl with the tip of her fingers a small smile in her face as she did.

About ten minutes later she walked out of her room with the dress on and smiled at Nathaniel " dear….when was that put in there where did you even get this? It's beautiful!" She laughed a little bit and spun around

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel looked up as Ember exited the room in her stunning black dress. His eye lit up, glazing over as her stared at. Blinking, he hooked his arm in hers, tilting her head up and kissing her. “My dear..” He took a breath as his had been taken away. “You are gorgeous!” He kissed her multiple times, enjoying her company. “I’m not sure when it was put in there, but I didn’t buy it. One of the kings before me must have.” Nathaniel walk Ember down the hall, emerging and standing at the top of the right stair case. Decorations covered the room, tables were decorated, their were man recognizable demons around. One was Lilith, whom was waving to Ember. He walked Ember down the stairs, joking the others as chatter filled the hall.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember smiled softly and walked close to him leaning her head against his arm as she hugged it "aw darling thank you, I've never worn anything this fancy before are you sure it looks okay on me?" She spoke sweetly as she looked around the room Lilith catching her eye she gave a small smile and waved at her " love…this place looks amazing…"

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel gave a reassuring kiss. “Of course! It’s perfect. It suits you.” He descended the stairs with his love, ignoring Lilith. “It’s best to ignore Lilith for now. She knows things we shouldn’t.” There was a table that was set aside from the rest. He pulled out a chair for his love at this table, making sure she sat before he did. “My subjects do well when it’s a party involving their king.”

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember kissed him back softly and smiled "thank you dear…w-what do you mean she knows things she shouldn't what does that mean?" She walked over with him to the table and smiled when he pulled out her chair she laughed a little and sat down " Nathaniel I never took you for the gentlemanly type." She was joking of course but she couldn't help but tease