forum A Hunter's Curse (Closed o/o with Nyx)
Started by @Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

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@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

The king of Hell chose the latter when his entire life's choice was between being hunted and ruling all of Hell for all eternity. Nathaniel pouted to himself as he spent his time analyzing the demon hunters. Most of them were fools, and his armies could destroy them quickly, but he wasn't willing to take any chances. He thus observed. He swung his legs and perched himself in a tree. Even a skilled hunter couldn't have seen him lurking around. Everything would be fine if people weren't so concerned with being assimilated. Nathaniel brushed his ideas aside. Another patrol's footsteps moving through the forest could be heard by him. Foolish hunters.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember had been hidding out in the forest for a few days do to a sudden out burst of hers in a town near by she hadn't gotten the hang of her changes because of her age she would be like this for a while until she learned how to control herself she had attacked a little girl it was only able accident but the town didn't care they were still searching for her and she would have leave most likely nobody would forget what she had done and neither would she she attempted to go out and search got food or water in her human form roaming around the trees that towered above her

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel hopped down from the tree, landing on his feet despite being 12 feet up from the ground. He disappeared into the underbrush, avoiding the patrol of hunters all together. He heard the sniffles of another person, the hairs on his neck standing up. Fuck. Had he ran into a desperate hunter or just some low life? The world my never know. Nathaniel hid behind a flowering shrub. Although, he was 6’3 and barley hidden. He “peaked” his head up, hissing as he saw the other creature. The scent of wolf. Goddamn it.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Because ember was paying so much attention to her surroundings she heard the faint hiss and it had startled her she looked around her not seeing anything unfortunately for her because of her lack of control every extreme felling she had she would shift whether it be fear, anger, sadness or just being overly happy and because the noise scared her it caused her to shift shooting pain through her body that made her whine quietly

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel watched the girl shift into the wolf she became. Interesting. At least it’s not a hunter. To him, she seemed to be cursed with a disease—lycanthropy. Werewolves were strange creatures. He stood, looking at the black mass of fur. Why am I hiding? He started to walk away from the mass of floof, not giving a shit whether it needed his help or not. He didn’t care. He never cared. His self-importance was too great. The hunters will get this one. Marked ones always get murdered. Humming a tune that was not of Earth, Nathaniel walked along a barren trail, getting farther from Ember. Her problems were not his. It was probably best to kill the thing—but was he really going to relinquish it from suffering? No.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

She laid there for a while whimpering before finally standing up wobbling a bit as she started to walk off not realizing where she was heading right in the same direction of the hunters that had just came through she was whimpering some of them were bound to hear her at some point

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel twitched at the sharp whimpers of the wolf. Werewolves were lacking in the brain department compared to hellhounds. He turned around to see the thing wobbled off in the direction of the hunters. Just forget it. Let her get captured by the hunters. He sighed, “If you keep sulking in that damn direction, you might as well call yourself dinner, idiot.” Rolling his eyes, Nathaniel started his walk towards the gate that led home. He had enough of these humans and their pitiful tactics.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

As ember kept walking she heard a voice in the distance and some part of her told her to turn around she took a moment to collect herself so she could see clearly and so she wasn't in pain anymore before realizing that was a dangerous path she could smell the hunters but she was also picking up another scent one she had never smelt anything like this she followed it quickly but quietly making sure whatever it was didn't find out she was following it

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel keep trudging down the dirt road, heading towards a gate to hell. He tried to collect his thoughts, independent revelations about his damned life filling his head. Humans we’re pretentious and for what? To kill everything that was not human? It’s not like he tried to kick a hunters head in or start a war. Totally not. “Why must you follow, strange creature? There will be a price to pay if you continue.”

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember poker her head out once she was discovered but she didn't exactly feel like she was in danger so she simply walked up to the man and dat in front of him her tail wagging slightly she didn't have the energy to turn back into her human form so she couldn't really answer his question, ya know because she's a wolf she had an over all friendly expression on her face as she looked up at him

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel frowned, staring at the wolf. "Go back to where you came from. I'm not afraid to slaughter you and your pack. I may lose a few new—subjects—but it's better than deal with this. A pathetic she-wolf who will get herself killed either way." He held a crooked smile and picked up a stick. He waved it around in the air. "Go fetch it, girl. I bet the hunters will love you. They like wolves—and killing them too." Nathaniel laughed to himself, fixing the collar of his suit. One couldn't help but notice the nasty scar on the left of his face. "Run along. I've got to go."

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

She snarled at him somehow sounding more intimidating than she looked kind of like the saying her bark Is worse than her bite she stepped closer to him not backing down one bit and that could either be a good thing or a bad thing seeing as though she didn't know this man but he still went out of his way to be a dick

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel rolled his eyes. "Now, don't pretend to be big and strong. It will not help you." He flicked his hand, claws now in place of his nails. "Don't act like you can snarl at Hell's king and get away with it. Your kind is damned for a reason." He checked his claws, bending his fingers to get a feel of how sharp they were. Blood ran down his palm, dripping onto the forest floor. "I am no joke. I am not fun to play with. I, however, do adopt the unwanted ones." Nathaniel paused, staring deep into the wolf's eyes. "But some, are just not worth the time. Plus, I have many of my own big puppies who can thrive in a hellish environment."

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

She continued to just stand there she snarl was gon but she didn't walk away she was almost giving him a dirty look but it was hard to tell she took another step closer breathing in through her nose taking in his scent it was strongand musk and it made her scrunch her nose and she just looked at him quietly

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel was unamused. “What do you want? Are you dumb? I told you to run off.” He twirled his hand and a scythe appeared. It had a purple and black blade. “I’m not afraid to murder the innocent. Especially if they’re pissing me off.” He snarled back at the wolf. “Anyone can do that, you’re not special.” The crunch of the leaves alerted Nathaniel. “Damn hunters. You’re going to get me capture.” He spun around, abandoning the wolf as he stalked towards a cave.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

( djdgebrgd I can just see him standing there arguing with a dog XD )

She snorted at his response to her he obviously didn't scare her there wasn't much for her to lose except for her life so why should she be scared right? She simply just trotted after him taking pride in his annoyance she was giving off a smug look as she did so she was enjoying this a little bit to much

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel swung his scythe. Chunks of grass and dirt flew up into the air, etching a line in the ground. It marked territory. He leaned on the weapon, facing the wolf. Nathaniel had entered the cave. It was drab and on the verge of caving in. The devil didn’t seem too concerned. He raised an eyebrow at the creature. “Why must you make life difficult?” His scars twisted as his face turned into a snarl. His other features were obscured by the shadows, except his sandy hair. “Do not follow. You will burn. Return to your home and siblings. Nothing will come of us. You will not win me over, wolf. I am not that fond of dogs.” Nathaniel’s eyes glowed in the darkness, no emotion attached to them. Just dull and lifeless. “If you truly want to ruin your life, then follow. You won’t be safe, even if you are far from the hunters.”

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

She backed up once he swung the scythe she knew she'd have to start talking eventually she dipped her head letting out a sigh "I don't have a pack I have no home or siblings, and I'm not making anything difficult nothing is keeping you from leaving me here so why don't you why do you care if I follow you. "

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

(My surgery was today and it went very well :)

Nathaniel stood, staring at her as if he was a god. “So, the wolf speaks. How damning.” His scythe disappeared and he adjusted his suit. “If you have nowhere to go, why follow me? I'm not a suitable person. Go sulk for eternity.” Nathaniel turned his back to the back wolf, resting his hand on the cave wall. It was cold, and the breeze with came from it ruffled Nathaniel’s hair. “I can because I don't want a wolf in hell.” And with that, he loped further into the cave. With a have a hand, a red portal opened that swallowed the demon, closing steadily.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

The red glow of the portal illuminated his face. Nathaniel’s raven black wings refracted the red light. “I don’t understand why you would follow me. That is risky business, young one (He says even though he is two years older). Flee while you can, or forever hold you silence my kingdom.” He got close to the edge of hell’s gate, sitting and dipping his feet into the red smoke. It was like he was enjoying a smoke. “Oh, I know little wolf. But you’d like me if I wasn’t complicated and hadn’t lost my goddamn sanity. But.” He glared at the girl, playing with one of his loose feathers. “I guess losing one’s sanity would break them. It would break us all.” And then Nathaniel slipped into the portal, not caring if the wolf followed. Ember had three minutes to decide before the flame game out and it would have to be ignited again.