forum Tell me about your magical school(s)
Started by @Smile!

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@squiddicus language

There are some, but I've never been very interested in entering any. I find it hard to come up with ideas for a specific purpose.
If I have an idea I want to use for a story, I'll write it, but I can't spontaneously come up with them.

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Ah. I see that @squidazzle. Most of my ideas come from dreams and thoughts.

@The-Magician So do we. I got another one of my short stories published in a compilation last year, and this year I'm getting a poem of mine (which I'm not too particularly fond of) published, as well.

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(Our school's Honors English/Reading Dept. is very interested in having us participate in contests, which is why I have all of these things. It's been very abundant in the past year. In fact, I'm working on a historical fiction piece for one of my classes atm.


My magic school making improved A LOT in 3 years. Three years ago I made a very much hogwarts/harry potter ripoff story and now I think I'm doing better.

So now for my schools, there are four main schools that each is for an element, fire, air, water and earth. There are two much smaller schools for darkness and light as well.

Each school used to be exclusive to students with that element but now its more relaxed and you can just go to one closest to you or the one your family comes from. The element a student has isn't really affected by family. For example, Thyver is the son of a person with air and a person without an element, his sister has air for her element but he is more water leaning, they both go to the school for air.

Not everyone in the world has an element and not everyone with an element has magic so there are several tests early in the school year to determine your element and if you have magic. The tests for magic is repeated every two months just in case you figured something out or something happened.

Since not every student has magic there are normal classes, magic classes for those without magic which are things like potions, special classes for those with magic, and classes for those who want to go into a speciality job like becoming a healer.

The students have classes for four days a week and have a three day weekend which is often spent with private mentors for magic or specialty jobs, participating in bonus activities or lessons like sports or for something specific like woodwork, going to club meetings, visiting nearby cities (supervised of course), visiting family (they're boarding schools), visiting temples to speak with ancestors, visiting other schools (especially for compitition), or just hanging out.

Dorm rooms are located on either side of the school, girls on the right, boys on the left. People can choose the side that matches their gender identity and if that is neither, they can choose the side they feel most comfortable with or take a dorm at the back of the school instead. It is two students to a dorm usually.

Each school has a similar layout for staff, a head, a deputy head, subject teachers, magic teachers, speciality teachers and solo teachers who do one on one for specific magic training, everyone who works in the dorms, resident healers (just in case), and all the people running bonus lessons and activities.

Students can live on the school grounds from when they are 8, when the first signs of an element appear, and start learning in the main building when they turn 14. During the four school days, students wear white shirts, black pants and a jacket with coloured accents, the colour of which depends on the school. During the weekend, students wear whatever they want unless a private tutor or sports coach insists otherwise, or students are visiting a temple or another school.

(this is a lot of info, quite a bit of which I just made up on the spot. Sorry for the infodump)

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Also, Elly, may I magpie the idea of a merit system? That sounds like such a cool feature to have in place at a magic school

@The-Magician Go ahead! I sort of magpied it from Hogwarts House Points anyway (except in that one, students can basically only spend House Points on two things…end-of-term decoration, and maybe bragging rights. And they all have to earn it together as a House, rather than as individual students. And Houses that "almost got the redecoration and bragging rights" don't have any of their efforts count at all, as next year they all start from zero House Points, which I always thought was kind of a shame.)