forum Pagan/Witch/Wiccan+ Community
Started by @The-Magician group

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@The-Magician group

So! Hallow's Eve/Samhain is a few hours away.
I'd like to know what you all plan to do for this day, whether you're going to celebrate it the traditional way, the 'modern' way, or something similar.
I myself plan to cleanse my house and write sigils into the walls and candles during the day, then when night falls I am going out—to do what, I am still deciding.

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Well, I'm mostly just gonna put out some candles and such.
I have a bad habit of not celebrating anything because I forget to prepare.

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(I feel Seelie) Gonna go trick or treating dressed up as a vampire to keep away haunts, maybe collect some moon water. Definitely burn some sigils to protect our house from ghosts, cause the gods know we need more of those -eye roll- No candles tho.

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Oh, wait! If I have time I'm going to bake something for it.

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I don't know, something with cinnamon because I fucking love it.
I know I'm going to renew the sigils all over my bag. (I have crap ton of them plastered on my bag for school becuase I need all the help I can get.)

@The-Magician group

When I go out tomorrow I'm planning on putting sigils on my arms, legs, and in my eyeliner. I'll also be wearing my onyx necklace and pentacle. One can never be too careful after all

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Yeah, I enchanted a part of my cosplay for protection. (I'm trick or treating for free candy. I'm also wearing a different cosplay to classes.)


oh!!!! i see witch, i am Here
uhhhh i'll make moon water if i can, and i found a wish ritual that imma do. i'd do smth for dead relatives but like, i dont fuck w spirit work so
i'm being a victorian vampire at school
also i'll buy a bunch of chips and sweets and watch movies until i go to sleep it's gna be great

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I'm a beginner wiccan so mostly just put sigils on my stuff.

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Ah right okay, that's fair enough. You don't want to rush into spells and rituals if you're not 100% ready..

Ofc, and plus I don't have the space for salt and water circles, and full blown out rituals. I want to do a bit more studying first.

@The-Magician group

Wise choice.

Open question: Does anyone have any questions regarding Witchcraft/Wicca? This goes out especially to the beginners (and please note that I don't know everything)

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Wise choice.

Open question: Does anyone have any questions regarding Witchcraft/Wicca? This goes out especially to the beginners (and please note that I don't know everything)

Not yet, but I like learning on my own so if I have questions I will make sure to ask.


Oh I love this. I've already started prepping by cleansing my house with rose oil and lavender. Tonight I'll do a release ritual to push the energies and such trapped in my house out into the universe. (Word to the wise Mercury goes retrograde tmrw so I recommend some heavy cleansing)

On Samhain I'll set up my alter for Dia De Los Muertos and meditate within a sigil circle to see if any family wants to communicate. Or any other spirit. I'll go to a midnight cast with my Circle members and then take a rose water and crystal bath Nov 1 morning to resettle all of my own energies.

Then start on more in depth Muertos celebrations.

It's a busy few days.


I have a question for y'all. Do you take rituals and spells from others as guidance, or do you write your own? And why?

most of my rituals i take from others but i've written my own and i use my intuition for stuff
i really like going freestyle with herbs and crystals and moonwater and just like. mixing and matching stuff


I’ve been wanting to put up some sigils, mostly in the windows and doorways, but I’m not sure what sigils to use? Does anyone have any they use often?

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Oh guys! Try burning Jasper! I follow some wiccans on tik tok and one does like Wicca Help videos. Anyways burning white sage completely removes everything in the house, but jasper gets rid of negative energies, fills the house with positive energies and natural energies. Also make sure it's okay with your pantheon and such. Jasper is your friend. Slow to burn as well.