forum former gifted kid chat
Started by @croccin-champagne

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I remember I said to my parents "I could just get a ged" and they laughed in my face, so. It's not an option for me and idk how to feel about that


I feel like my parents are the opposite. They just want me to graduate asap and start college early.


parents are a big con. if your family has certain standards there's a chance they're going to view it as sort of lesser. the counter to that is that in this day and age it really functions the same as a high school diploma and most jobs and colleges are accepting of it. i think only a few aren't anymore, with like ivy league being the worst about it? it does cost money, the pre tests and the actual tests. there's only four though, for the core classes. and i can link a free study guide, bcs the actual site requires you be sixteen years or older to access any of the functions

honestly? yeah. if school really is just killing you, if you can't keep up with the pressure and the general shittiness of the public school system, do it. i am not wired for common learning. standardized testing is okay but the studying and the lesson plans have never been made for someone like me. that's why doing this really was the only option left.

beside that, you'd have more time for padding your college apps, should you go there, and for working and saving up for things like a car and whatnot. you wouldn't be putting all your time into school, hw, a couple social activities, clubs, and sports and whatnot

my mental health improved so much when i finally unenrolled, and i want all of you to be able to feel as okay as you can. so if doing this is an option and you want to, i fully support it. hell, i'll link sites to help and even direct you to the ged site.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Well we did Calc AB the last quarter and it made even less sense than everything else so.

Like A days B days? Like your calc alternated day? We just had it for a semester and it was packed in.

…..No, calculus is divided into two sections.

That is very different than what I did. We just had a semester class and an hour and a half long class about Calculus. For half a year. For us it was just easier to do it that way.


Well we did Calc AB the last quarter and it made even less sense than everything else so.

Like A days B days? Like your calc alternated day? We just had it for a semester and it was packed in.

…..No, calculus is divided into two sections.

That is very different than what I did. We just had a semester class and an hour and a half long class about Calculus. For half a year. For us it was just easier to do it that way.

i haven't done calculus yet but at my school, there's pre-calc then you take either calc ab or calc bc depending on ur level

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book


And what? I was just weirded out as to how the classes were split. That may just be my uncultured Alaskan coming through. But do you guys have split lunches? And like an advisory period? That's what we had and moving cross country and facing different things just weirded me out.

@Pickles group

At ours, you take CP precalc and then AP Calc AB (because CP doesn't cover calc ab during last quarter) or honors precalc and then AP Calc bc or ab depending on how you did last quarter. Technically we have split lunches? Not by grade but our school is far too big to have it all at once. I don't even know what an advisory period is so we probably don't have that


in my school we had 4 lunches, all of which took place during 4th period. so you'd half an hour of lunch and one and a half hours of class time. we don't have advisory anymore they, just last year, changed the schedules to block schedules


At my school, we're split into 3 lunches and at my old school, we had advisory every Tuesday for 40 mins


I think the most "gifted but still a disaster kid" thing I've ever done was when I won the… i guess you'd call it valedictorian in America? I had the highest GPA (of a class of like 25, it's less impressive than it sounds). which meant I got a check for quite a bit of money. But by the time I figured out how to cash the stupid thing in, it had expired and I didn't know how to tell my school so I just… didn't.
Because sure, I can write an essay, but tell me to write one (1) awkward email and I completely fall apart


Amazing thanks :D
I'm going to go ahead and give you all my fascinating gifted kid story I guess
I was mostly gifted in English, French and the like. I was a pretty big teacher's pet, and was constantly reading, and my dad was also teaching me extra maths at home so I was acing maths as well (which is so not the case anymore lol). I was top of my class in French, English, Spanish, maths and biology in elementary and then more or less in my first year of high school. It wasn't work at all, everything came easily and I worked very little and was kind of an arrogant bitch. Even so I was considered incredibly bright and mature and an all-around favourite child.
Then we moved and a) classes got much harder and I was used to not working so that didn't help but b) mostly everything went to shit in terms of motivation and whatever else so! Yeah! Wonderful


Do any of u guys remember playing these enrichment games that had like chart and you had to match people to,say theyre favorite colors?

@kingnocedas group

@Whats_Up_Its_Brooklyn @PatienceKills

what kind of gifted kid were y'all. were you the 'im a prodigy in everything but math' kid, the 'only math and science' kid, teacher's pet, etc….

i was everything but math and also i was the gifted kid that teachers either ADORED or DESPISED and it was all based on whether i liked them or not

SAAAAME, like my best subject was/is english, even though i'm like average now


fhhgf it's funny how quick grades drop when you get depressed and also when you realize that people have just been holding you up to an impossible standard that you're barely keeping onto

@kingnocedas group

fhhgf it's funny how quick grades drop when you get depressed and also when you realize that people have just been holding you up to an impossible standard that you're barely keeping onto

fucking (and i cannot stress this enough) PREACH

@Kylie_has_writers_block group

Do any of u guys remember playing these enrichment games that had like chart and you had to match people to,say theyre favorite colors?

YES! I used to love those things we also played games from Mindware catalogs (anybody else remember those?), man some of these memories are DEEP


Do any of u guys remember playing these enrichment games that had like chart and you had to match people to,say theyre favorite colors?

YES! I used to love those things we also played games from Mindware catalogs (anybody else remember those?), man some of these memories are DEEP

Ooh ooh! Do y’all remember those mind puzzles where it was like “the person who lives in the green house drinks tea” and “the person who drinks coffee has a dog” and you’d have to like…match all the shit together?? I know that’s a terrible description bUt LiKe do y’all remember those??

@Kylie_has_writers_block group

Do any of u guys remember playing these enrichment games that had like chart and you had to match people to,say theyre favorite colors?

YES! I used to love those things we also played games from Mindware catalogs (anybody else remember those?), man some of these memories are DEEP

Ooh ooh! Do y’all remember those mind puzzles where it was like “the person who lives in the green house drinks tea” and “the person who drinks coffee has a dog” and you’d have to like…match all the shit together?? I know that’s a terrible description bUt LiKe do y’all remember those??

Yeah, I think that's what @salami was talking about but I could be wrong, they were the best. We used to race and see who could finish them the fastest