forum former gifted kid chat
Started by @croccin-champagne

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@Pickles group

Also as much as I hate standardized testing, I'm really fucking good at it

Ew same

I mean, I kind of enjoy taking them but I hate them on principle because they don't include other types of learning
I'm predominantly an auditory learner (secondarily a visual one), what about y'all?

I think it's tactile? Maybe? I just learn by doing things over and over while people explain it to me in different ways. For math, really. I fake my way through social studies and science classes, and I don't learn anything in English


my siblings all do online, though my sister wants to go back to public. i did online, failed nearly every class for two years, went back to public for my sophomore year of hs, and then decided to drop out two weeks from the end of the year

@Pickles group

And we do EOCs which is maybe state testing, not really sure, but we need like 18 points to graduate (you can get up to a five on each) and I got fives on all of them so far so I have more than enough points to graduate. I was supposed to take the government one last year but it got waived cause corona. And I don't think I have any this year

@GoodThingGoing group

my siblings all do online, though my sister wants to go back to public. i did online, failed nearly every class for two years, went back to public for my sophomore year of hs, and then decided to drop out two weeks from the end of the year

I went to public school until 2nd grade, left when the class nuisance threatened to kill me when he was in a rage, went to a Catholic K-8 and stayed there until I graduated, then went to an uPpEr mIdDlE sChOoL for my freshman year before dropping out after first semester and going to online, dropping all but two classes, and then going to the high school for my sophomore year until COVID happened

@Pickles group

In kindergarten, someone stabbed me with a pencil and told me I was going to die in like an hour from lead poisoning and everything was all downhill from there


I vaguely remember accidently being stabbed by a pencil in like 6th and I had to wait until everyone stopped singing in music class. I raised my hand, pencil still in my arm while blood was dripping down, to ask to go to the nurse. And then you know what happens from there

Also the bitch who slammed my finger into a locker in first grade
Fuck you, my middle finger is now abnormally shaped

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also as much as I hate standardized testing, I'm really fucking good at it

Ew same

I mean, I kind of enjoy taking them but I hate them on principle because they don't include other types of learning
I'm predominantly an auditory learner (secondarily a visual one), what about y'all?

Visual, but conceptual. So GIFs might be great, but a slideshow is eh. Also if I can talk through it (like arguing). Plus hand's on.


Sup, I was the Do It All Kid. Straight A's in all of my classes. AP courses. First chair clarinet in band. Soccer and Track. I was in line to be Valedictorian or Salutatorian. I was going strong up until the second half of my Junior year.

So what happened? What broke me? Some of you already know, since you were there when it happened. It was the decline of my mother's health. She was fighting a terminal illness, and my usual repression tactic wasn't enough to keep me afloat. I slowly spiraled into a situational depression as time went on and as her condition continued to decline–and so did my school "talent". It was all downhill from there. I'm still wrestling with the feeling of grief. I've long since realized that this feeling will never leave me, the pain will simply lessen over time, but the ingrained sadness and anger will always remain.

Now while in college, I complete just enough work to keep a steady C average while using my saved time to maintain my mental health.


I’m just a GT kid and everyone assumes we’re really smart but all of us are tired and hate school. In elementary school we were actually pretty smart but now we’re all either depressed, gay, procrastinators or all of the above. I am all of the above
My parents use “but you’re so smart” in like every argument and it pisses me off :/
Yeah I’m just a big dumb GT kid who used to be really awesome in everything but math (curse my gayness)

@GoodThingGoing group

My parents use “but you’re so smart” in like every argument and it pisses me off :/

>:( my parents do that too

I can't even make a self-depreciating joke without my parents going "but you're so smart!!!"


I am the "you're too smart for this" variety of gifted kid. I was home-schooled until 7 grade, and then in 7 grade i was definitely a big fish in a tiny pond. Cue highschool, ninth grade. I got all A's first semester, but I burned out and struggled to retain B's in the second semester, and my grabdes have since then hovered around B's and C's, which isn't that bad, but makes my parents angry because I'm "smarter than that"

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hello people who know my struggles
I was the kid who was in all the GT/GATE classes, but science and English were the ones I gravitated to. For the last 5 years, I have scored a perfect score on the English and science portions of standardized testing. Which is something. I'm strange because I associate colors to words, and music, and I associate numbers to science. But it works for me. I have a photographic memory when it comes to english, for example, novels. Yeah that tiny detail that I thought was intriguing, it's on page 23 line 8 from the top, left page. But math is a whole different story. I have get to find something to associate it to, so it's harder for me to focus. My mother is always on me for not making all A's, but my dad could care less. Recently I took first place over all in sculpture for teen talent, and second place over all with my trio for music. I played the flute while my male counter part played clarinet, and my female counter part played cello. It was fantastic. But I get the "you're so smart, you should do better" talk all the time, and it's hard to tell parents that you can't go any further because you've reached your limit.