forum what is your fantasy world called?
Started by @cami

people_alt 111 followers

@AdamWC language

I merely used the real world, then added magic as an one-time mutator for the first generation. So I would like a hand in flushing it out a bit more.

@Retr0inactive public

Ethera is the name of my world! It’s setting is a semi-steampunk world with inspiration from the late 19th century to early 20th century and a little big of punk fashion cause why not

@maglo-the-stressed-person language

I named mine Phoebeion, from the Greek god of Fear cuz a decent part of it is how the villainous Empires all rule through fear, and a decent bit of Xenophobia. Its world has a bit more then that, but I can't really describe the entirety of it with just the name.