forum Spoil your character’s story/character arc with no context
Started by @Mojack group

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Cadmus: maybe the real treasure was the friends we made along the way (no fuck that actually, the real treasures are my bf and gf and you can fight me)
Kali: independence was nice and all but also, like, have you seen babies?
Artificer: Oops I did it again. I seduced a knight. Fuck.

@Morosis group

Bruce: Life's timeline just becomes as tangled as earphones. He Ultimately dies yet somehow… Doesn't… Well… Like it splits into three different endings so… Cough
Saoirse: Lmao dies 2 months after engagement
Blake: Faked his death, comes back as an undercover agent.
Matthew: Realises this isn't fun anymore and taps out. Much sad, very interior design.
Rachel: Doesn't have an education yet becomes a doctor. Realises hospitals are boring and becomes a first responding doctor.
Avia: Lazy, eats pot noodles, doesn't get out enough yet becomes an important member of digital/secret intelligence defence.
Jay: yoooo this dude can sing. Too bad we don't take him seriously. Does he suffer from stagefright? Lmao what a dork, hope he doe— oh. He's become a rising artist.
Luíza: Learns to love herself and the people around her. I mean… It's just wholesome.
Moriah: Great reveal, goes to prison, ends up controlling the prison, escapes the prison, hates the world, gets shot, gets injected with powerful energies, goes crazy, dies, timestream fucks up, she sees this, yeets herself back into existence. Lovely.
Killjoy: Ha, wow, she's not very nice. Oh? She's now standing on the edge of a building? Well shit, now I feel sorry for her.
Alsberg: Then you're lucky I'm here because I convince her off the roof. Haha, what a great guy I am. Oh what's that? I take advantage of her weakness and show myself to be the cruelest character of the entire series? Welp.

@Dinosore19 group

Tfw u look for your mom for over 20 years only to find out she’s basically Nyartholep and cannot exist on the physical plane
Also u get possessed by your evil great grandma
Tfw ur trying to save the world from literal cannibalistic stars but then it turns out ur God
Also ur boyfriend turns out to also be God
Tfw ur trying to find ur home but the home you have is the friends u made along the way
Tfw ur a wendigo possessing some random human only for the human to posses u through the power of love for a dead child
Also the satyr child you were protecting out of obligation turns out to be a deer woman who was friends with the human u possessed
Tfw the guy that u were hanging out with to find ur dad turned out be ur real dad and the girl he was looking for is your mom who is also kinda God but ur also kinda half demon
But everything works out cause they get married and u go fishing with ur demon dad on weekends

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Protag: Okay, time to kill my father
Father: Kills another protag
Protag: Wtf
Other antags: Lmao lets ruin your life
Protag: wtfffffffffffffff, loses mental stability
Protag: Damn, guess im in a mental hospital now


Jemima: girl with questionable morals finds out she has a little sister, then single-handedly ends a war to save her little sister
Cassie: inherits powerful magick after her cousin dies, learns how to use it and becomes Death Incarnate all while falling in love


Berlin: Learns that cocaine and life-ruining relationships maybe aren’t the best way of coping with having a shitty dad.

Mellie: Dies bc she’s a dumb bitch lesbian who trusted her not-girlfriend-but-not-just-friend

Mathew: Tries to just have a chill time studying art but ends up murdering his new best friend’s parents

Zach: Realizes that the key to a loving relationship is not hating your girlfriend.

Alphonsia: Conquers her childhood trauma through lesbianism.


Alphonsia: Conquers her childhood trauma through lesbianism.

Is this a relative of “Love cures depression”?

Not really. It’s a huge generalization of her a big part of her character being her fearing death bc of trauma, but her love interest is basically inviting it at all times. They help each other try to find a healthier perspective on life and get together through the bond they formed working on themselves together.


Jay: Jane kills her, and while dying, she gets redeemed.
Anna: She goes insane because Jay dies.
Hanna: Her brother dies, and she dates Jane.
Liam: He dies. That's it. He's kind of like Beth from little women.

@kingnocedas group

kacey: high school girl is way in over her head, more at 8
nabila: accidentally becomes an accessory to criminals
karuko: gets hit by a car


Cake: Lives on Mars, Moves to Earth but full of nightmare furries
Dala: Buff monkey, learns to be buff…on the inside

@YukiSenoue group

Thunder: a "ghost" of the past reappears to conquer the world, he meets a bunch of weirdos, learns about his "heritage", "ghost" wants to kill him for reasons, so his character arc is about stopping being a passive person, to open himself to other people, and learning how to punch idiots in the face.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Daniella: Has control issues.
Silas: Finds out mutual respect might be worth the trouble.
Josiah: Finds out he's attractive.
Nathaniel: Find out that- dies.

Alene: Wait my crush is actually interested?
Octavia: Wins the prize for most supporting friend while being irritated at the world.
Rune: Insists she's a boss. Is a boss.
Sam: Grabs herself a best friend because she's lonely.
Orion: Dad is Dad.
Kym: Drives up in a cool car to be cool

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Wisp: And then everyone lived happily ever after.
Zephyr: Learns how not to be a jerk.
Ivan: Finally figured out he's amazing and deserves to be happy.
Chenelle: And then everyone you ever loved dies.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Soáki: So I'm not evil.
Eléna: Oh shoot I died.
Neirym: Ow. That hurt. Oh well.
Séle: Killing people for justice is fun.
Aiday: Gets boyfriend
Nmere: Friends are alright I guess.
Gaiesh: Torturing people is fun.
Thana: Ah yes, spreading peace and acceptance in the world.


Chester: Hates his body, but now he… still hates his body, though this time he's better at dealing with it.
Lincoln: Wants to change the world, ends up changing his mind.
Harli: I can care about others?
Landers: Finds out there's more to life than the threat of war.
Oscar: One house is the whole world.
The Prince: Not all living beings are as worthless as was first assumed.


Mitch: I used to be the tallest and now I can't even stand up
Jared: My crush is gonna die before I can tell him I like himmm
Amiee (& also Wynter): School needs to organise our sports betterr