forum Favorite lines you've written/Finest character quotes
Started by @Jolyn

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@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

"What could go wrong."
"Could be worse"
"I wish."
"I think remember this from somewhere."

"I guess having a spine and a brain aren't same the thing."
"What people do in their free time is none of my concern, I'm only doing my job"
"We can focus on the money later, We have more pressing matters at hand."
"And just when I thought I was on break."

"I feel like should apologize for something."
"Why do you want to help someone like me, look at me, I'm a washouted weak loser who sold himself out for popularity and like. If I was you I'd would just smirk and pass on."
"Please hurt me instead, just don't take it out on others."

"It may be unrealistic but hey realism is boring."
"I guess all my life I been either waiting for a damsel to save or a knight to save me"
"You're all so lame."
"Did someone say sabotage."
"Humor me."
"Well you haven't grown much."
"Who's the basement gremblin."
"Oh how rude of me, I mean attic gremblin

"I don't go back on promises."
"Why can't I just forgive you and fake along with the rest on them."
"I'm not the one who needs protecting."
"Look, that meek ill little boy who always clinged to your side is gone."
"Please don't put your health on the line like than."
"I guess you can say emotions aren't my strong suit."

"I'm not the forgetting type."
"Remember we were little."
"I want to go back."
"Is everything good."
"I just wanted to pay you back for everything."
"Even now, I'm a screwup."

"How did the world get to this."
"Those are the rules"
"Don't you have somewhere to be."
"I've read enough manga to know where's this is heading"
"We're the attic, you dumbshit."
"How long am I going to live."

@larcenistarsonist group

"Now come on. I am not going to be late to a party we weren't invited to." - Three to her squad.

"How are you sober? You were unconscious like, half an hour ago!" - Jess to Ryan

She wasn’t energetic like One, wasn’t precise like Two. She was nowhere near as skilled as Three or as fast as Four. Wasn’t as smart as Five, powerful as Six, resourceful like Seven. Eight wasn’t selfless like Nine, who died saving a countless amount of lives, and wasn’t nearly as kind and understanding as Ten.
She always felt like an extra.

“For breaking their laws, for showing flaws, they welded us with a molten flame, in a feeble attempt to tame.” Ilsa looked down, not wanting to meet her friend’s eyes.

@Reblod flag

I usually end up loving any interaction between Kado and Moukib. Either comedically or sincerely, they just have some good chemistry.

Here are bits from a scene I wrote recently that I liked…not exactly single quotes but

“The past is not your domain, Kado.”
Kado glanced at Moukib. “So? You want me to forget it?”
“I’m not so asocial as to not recognise the look of longing on your face. Cities and nations fall, bloodlines die out, memories are forgotten. There was a reason why Mara refused to look into the past. She never once asked me to do it for her.”
“Mara wasn’t the sentimental sort.”
“I suppose not.” Moukib considered him for a moment. “Although, she did have a similar fascination for the world’s history as you do. I am a fountain of knowledge. And yet I remain untapped.”
“That analogy is mildly uncomfortable.”
“Is it?”
Kado lifted his head to smirk at him. “Are you asking me to tap you, Moukib?”
“Well when you put it like that it just sounds stupid.”

“Are you drinking my tea?”
“You could have asked.”
“There was no possibility of you drinking this tea.”
“Oh, and you checked, did you?”
“Of course I did. There was, however, a very high chance of me drinking this tea and I won’t pass up the opportunity.”

Dialogue from a different scene:

“And good riddance,” the Traveller spoke up. “Tell him if he comes near my stall again I’ll steal his other kidney.”
“Sure thing, Traveller,” Kado said as he and Adda hoisted the unconscious Fenris up. His head lolled and he muttered something incoherent. “Oh good! He’s alive.”

Iconic line:

The guards at the gate let them in without question but with great judgement.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

"I just wish I could go home and play video games."
"Are you real."
"I guess were both wrong."
"I'll do my best."
"I knew no one would care."

"Well lookie here, It's little miss sheep."
"Well, I mean there have to be something wrong with a person get off to being abused."
"Get off your ass and move."
"I'd rather be a bitch than a doormat."

@Eli_ group

Here are some quotes from Ace:

"What in the fresh flying fuck is Camu powder?"
"Shut the fuck up and let me watch Mal brush his teeth through the security cam."
"I'm not stalking Mal, I'm just following him to see his favorite places to go in case I ever ask him out."

Some quotes from Spade:

"Ace, you better shut the hell up or I'll steal your calcium privileges."
"No, don't eat my hairbrush!"

And a quote from Mal:

"No thanks, I'd rather eat my heart than open it up to your foolish games."

@furetakunai ac_unit

"It's not that people don't give you compliments, it's that you don't accept them." ~ Hana Miyazawa
"Don't yell at me for being the monster you made me." ~ Ritsuka Miyazawa (A.k.a CCH-1R0)
"Relax, relax. It was only the explosion of a minor planet." ~ Kallia


"Playing videos game are you?"
"Yeah but I can't get past this one level. I'd be better at this if I were you."
"To be fair, isn't that true about everything?"

@Personwhowrites group

Well, my story has two endings so the dialogue is going to vary a bit.
Good ending: "What is that?" "That is a giraffe." "A…giraffe?!" "Yes." "It- it's so… LONG!" - A conversation between Myles and Discord
Bad ending: "It was easier than I thought. You were already so close to breaking, I just had to give you a little nudge." - Discord to Myles

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

"They say every angel has to go through hell to earn their wings." -Bane to Slate about the death of Seth

"Do you ever notice that when the night clouds over, the stars and moon still shine? The light will alway prevail through the darkness." - Gwen to Jax

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

"I'm not crazy, but if it sells, I guess I am."
"No one cares how you feel."
"I hate this body I look like a damn 12-year-old, is this really what the audience wants."
"Calm down, I was joking."
"Looks like somebody doesn't know what satire is."
"Aww, are you triggered?"
"You think I actually care about that eyeless broad, The only reason we were together was because I was written to be obsessed with her useless ass." referring to Insato

"I don't see why you even had to get involved, This isn't anything of your concern."
"At what age did were you dropped?" to Sophie
"That's just how we're programmed." To Insato
"All I remember about that girl is that Ongi took her, probably as a replacement for Insato."
"Honestly I can't even say her name without gagging." about Insato
"Don't just stand there, you twit! Attack them!"
"We're here to kill Insato, That is all."
"You couldn't follow one single order, couldn't you." Being defeated

"I can become any man you want, Just tell me their looks and I'll become them."
"Oh, Ms. Boing Boing, where did you run off to."
"Crying won't help, Now you're in our terf."
"That's not fair, I thought you loved us, you did all that bashing and buying just to fall for some boy." To Sophie
"You're pretty uppity for size B."
"WAIT! DON'T THROW ME AWAY!" Being defeated

"You're more like Insato than I thought." to Bonita
"Wait, Don't kill her."
"You interrupted my sleep for this." Challenging Sophie
"Insato, You returned!"
"After all I did for you did is how you repay me trying to kill me." To Insato
"Look I don't care if I'm best boy to you or whatever. I only care for Insato."
"As much as I knew she was never own person, I still loved her."
"Don't compare me to them."
"To be honest, I'm kind of happy you used my knife." To Insato
"You really have became stab happy."
"Don't waste my time."

"I'm far too powerful to be someone's boy toy."
"What's the point of having so much power when you can't even enjoy it."
"I never want to be the monster."
"Learn to forgive already."
"I don't know who you are and to be frank I don't care."
"Don't you have a body pillow to shag?" To Bonita

"I gave everything to you people, and all I get is hatred and scorn."
"Why fix something that hurts you in the progress."
"As I thought, after all the hate you sling to me and now you can't even remember my name."
"I will spare your life, only if we save this girl."
"I can't bare the thought of those men running amuck and finding more people to hurt."
"The strong should protect the weak, not harm them."

"Outta of the way, Cowtits." To Valerie
"Most girls are morons."
"No, I'm different."
"Why am I always following your commands."
"Don't think you won." To the group after killing Alvis

@larcenistarsonist group

A few Shea and Bianca quotes because yes:

"Life is a dull, meaningless void… You gotta fill that void with lots of explosives and vodka."

"You have four seconds to explain yourself before I lose it."

"It hurts to be human…"

"I will not be mad if the sun explodes right now."

"Yeah, like you're sooo much better."

"Isn't the first person I've killed, and it won't be the last."

"I gave you a second chance and this is how you choose to waste it?"

"Don't tell me how to run my country, Ambassador, when your own is tearing itself apart."

"What's the key to being a leader? Well… Thieves' County is a unique place. Everyone has come from different parts of the world, seeking shelter and safety from their home countries. They're refugees. A lot of my citizens are children escaping abusive family, single mothers wanting a better life for their babies, men and women who desire a second chance at life. Here in Thieves' County, they start over, and that's a beautiful thing. There's a reason Thieves' County is known as 'the land of second chances.' I let them begin a new life here. They can forget everything about their past, and can focus on the future instead. Thieves' County is a thriving civilization because the people are happy, and as long as they're happy, I'm doing my job."

@Bugz26 group

I have a mix of a few lines and character quotes :) :

  • The unidentified man had no visible weapons, but he held such intense confidence and intimidation about him that it was awfully hard to believe that he had no way of defending himself.

  • "Hey, Vinny, what’s wrong? Never seen two girls kiss?" No, in fact, I haven’t.

  • I don’t think that he wants time to contemplate his options. Instead, he propels himself forward, lips on mine in less than a second.

  • I feel my throat clenching as the overwhelming urge to say something captures my breath.

@Eli_ group

(Here are some more quotes ft. two of my LotL/HnK OCs)


"For a matter of fact, shouldn't you be fighting the Lunarians? You're stronger than all of us combined… except for Phos. They're… something else."

"Rutile, my arm broke off again… Yes, I know I wasn't supposed to fight the Lunarians, but Dia wasn't there so I filled in. Hey, you have to put my arm back on! You're a doctor for a reason, you know!"


"Uh, no, I don't wanna fight. What about Dia? …Huh? What do you mean she isn't there?! She's supposed to be there all the time, right?!"

"Phos, hush up. Wait… what the hell?! What are you?!"


Ok so wow I didn't think so many people would respond when I first made it but i have another quote! I don't know if i'll use it but ahhh I like it

"Y'know, its much easier to be half demon feeling too much then a half human struggling to feel something."

@sheabutter group

A few favorites from my various characters:

"Maybe you'll finally realize that you should never have made an enemy of someone who doesn't start fights."

"What would be the point of life if it was all like a fairytale? It's too easy, too simple. No, this had to happen."

"I swear that my grandfather, the last leader of my kingdom will be remembered by me and my people, and whether he is remembered for what little rights he did, or his many wrongdoings, is up to history. And history has proved itself merciless."

@invisible group

“I can't feel like this. I don’t feel. I haven’t felt emotions for years. But Dani… Dani's different. The last time I felt like this, it was for Mason. Mason. My friend, and only my friend. The feeling wasn't permanent. And I know this time it won’t be.”

@trainwreck404 group

(Frog and Dick objectively have the best interactions of my characters, so here are their best lines.)

Dick: ”[in response to asking if his name really is Dick] Yes. And yes, I get dick jokes all the time; and yes, it’s why I’m single.”
Frog: “That’s not why you’re single! You’re single because you’re a loser, my dude.”

Frog: “The aura on this dude is not very poggers.”
Dick: “Did you just say ‘not very poggers’?”

Frog: “But you’re gonna have to know for this stupid…Heisenberg Christmas Extravaganza or whatever.”
Dick: “That is not what we call Christmas at our house but I love it so I’m using that now.”

@invisible group

(Frog and Dick objectively have the best interactions of my characters, so here are their best lines.)

Dick: ”[in response to asking if his name really is Dick] Yes. And yes, I get dick jokes all the time; and yes, it’s why I’m single.”
Frog: “That’s not why you’re single! You’re single because you’re a loser, my dude.”

Frog: “The aura on this dude is not very poggers.”
Dick: “Did you just say ‘not very poggers’?”

Frog: “But you’re gonna have to know for this stupid…Heisenberg Christmas Extravaganza or whatever.”
Dick: “That is not what we call Christmas at our house but I love it so I’m using that now.”

Not very poggers at all