forum We don"t have enough character rp's here so I'm gonna start one.
Started by @Blueberry_Chick

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Callie knew that when he unfolded the thing, it made a mechanical noise somewhat like someone loading a gun, but a little more like gears clanking. He was sure someone had heard him.


Melody was relieved when she heard a noise from the stairwell, but when she registered that noise as the loading of a gun her worry peaked. With wide eyes she raced through the room, ignoring the three that sat of the table, and threw open the door.


Callie looked with wide eyes at Melody, not entirely sure how she would react to him being there. She seemed only worried, though, which calmed him a bit.


Melody let out a relieved sigh when she saw Callie. With the sound of a loaded gun, she had almost expected to find someone holding a gun to his head. Callie come with me. Don't say anything to anyone. She scribbled, then turned to lead him through the room.


((Underground in a secret… um… Base? I can't think of the right word. But they're headed back above ground to a forest, if that helps at all.))


Callie nodded in agreement, a little unsure where this was going but following her nevertheless. He didn't say anything - he couldn't, really, having been deaf from birth and never learning to speak - but he didn't make eye contact with anyone, either.

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Zain frowned, walking out into the forest, he could feel something… bad.

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Irene walks into the cafe with the intention to get some cake, but her eyes rest on a door. She decides to go through it, there wasn't an 'Employees only' sign so she thought it was another room of the cafe.


After a walk through multiple hallways, Melody and Callie arrived at another stairwell, this one leading up. Melody turns around to face Callie. Be careful up here. You never know who you'll find. Just… stay close to me No one will mess with you as long as you're with me. She rolls up her sleeves, exposing a red tattoo on her left wrist in the shape of a fleur-de-lis.


Callie only nodded, following her upwards. He was curious about the tattoo, even more so about what he was getting himself into, but didn't question anything.


Melody led Callie through a path in the forest, watching carefully through the trees for anyone. She had to find Kimmy and Kyle, or her entire city might collapse.


((Just so you know that's where I'm going with this whole thing. Trying to find her friends who control the magic that holds up her city. If you have any better ideas PLEASE feel free to tell them. I'm not very good at plot and stuff.))

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Irene wanders through many hallways completely confused and unable to find her way back to the cafe. At first glance, all the hallways look the same, but looking a little closer, she realizes that there are subtle differences, but not different enough to find her way back.

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Zain hopped down from a tree where he had been perched. "So what's wrong with you two? You both look like you just killed you pet bird."


((I like the plot!))
Callie looked around, rather intrigued how they had gone from suburb to forest so quickly, but again didn't ask. It was interesting, which was something he hadn't had in a while.

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((I like the plot too, it sounds interesting!))


Melody jumped back when the stranger suddenly appeared. "We're just… looking for someone. What are you doing in Maespire Forest? Not many people brave the forest." She scribbles on the back of her hand as she talks, shoving it behind her back to show Callie. Be prepared to run.


((Is shipping allowed? If so, would anyone…cough zain cough want to ship with callie, or no? It's alright if you don't.))
Callie looked at the note, nodding to nothing in particular as he shifted his weight, not entirely understanding the danger.

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"Huh, that's what this place is called? It sounds like someone on crack came up with it." Zain purred, fixing his gun in its holster.

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Irene soon finds herself at a door leading to a forest. She is too curious not to go. She goes through the door and hears some talking in the distance. She follows the sound.