forum We don"t have enough character rp's here so I'm gonna start one.
Started by @Blueberry_Chick

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"Alright, lead the way pretty boy." He signed, seeming to gain back spme confidance.


Callie nodded, smiling a little bit and pushing the door open with a metal hand, the light hitting it brightly.

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Zain sheilded his eyes a bit from the glare of the light then followed Callie.


Sorry about the reflection of the light on my hands, Callie apologized as they walked, trying to keep himself in the shade of the buildings.

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"It's Alright, just a bit hard on the eyes." he signed, going to walk next to him.

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"Perfect, was her name Meg? Meghan?" Zain wrinkleled his nkse.

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Zain shrugged and finger spelled "Oof, I'm not good with names."

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Zain nodded and followed with a smile that could be described as just a bit love struck.


Callie blushed a bit as he recognized the expression, shutting the door behind him and walking to the door in the wall again.