forum To death. (temporarily closed)
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

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(some things that frankly should have happened already but i got sidetracked with castor appearing, and also something else hehehe)
(i'm online for the next 20 minutes if we wanna keep rping?)

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(i've just realized how little y'all know about raef)
(otehr than that he's the leader of teh soup cult and that he has a raccoon named george y'all really don't know anything)
(imma need to fix that)

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(and ya i literally do not know anything about Raef ahaha :')

Nori: lightly nudges aethea. DRAGON GOLD!! DRAGON GOLD!!

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(hehe trombones)
(if you saw my soup cult then you know by now that castor is indeed a silvertongue. like leo but far less pleasant and nice. basically, you offend him (castor not leo!) or piss him off or smn, he use silvertongue and tell you to go steal a trombone.)
(bottom line, raef is a half-breed legacy (half legacy, half banshee) and because he's a demon/banshee legacy, he automatically became the dekromak of all the banshees because he has stardust in his veins aha)
(speaking of stardust, corrin's overdue for a near-death experience….. >:)

Aethea: Exactly! Dragon gold! And cursed items that will come in VERY USEFUL tell me where it is-
Corrin: No. One, I wouldn't trust you with it. Two, it's the reason I died and so did Castor and you're going to want to use it and THAT'S going to go well.
Corrin: The last time someone tried that, he… Oh gods. TIME. How long has it been since three days ago?
Aethea: Well THERE'S a stupid question. Three days ago was three days ago.
Corrin: Yup. I'm dead. turns to Nori Can you hover, on your wings? Or just fly incredibly slow?

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(ahahaaaaaaa i posted the wrong thing didn't i yup)
(was supposed to send it to ny friend so she could practice it for our chruch's youth group)
(copied the wrong thing sorry)

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(hold up now i've gotta rewrite raef's thing all over again)
(so that you could understand why corrin cannot be fergothief while live with raef)
(and bc he hath awesome backstory)

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(if you want we can continue with castor and addic)
(leave corrin literally dying of suspense while he waits for Nori's answer >:)
(or maybe not….)
(i have ten minutes before i hafta leave for the weekend. so. we cn keep going or leave it at this. eitehr way corrin is ~doomed~ but maybe only temporarily hehehewheeeeeeeeneeeeeeeheheneeeeeeeeehe)

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(prolong. i like torturing my characters. i have four minutes.)

Castor: turns to Addic Come out where I can see you and hear you. I just want to talk.
Castor: Like what that lying stinking traitor has been doing with his time. HOPEFULLY not getting the-
Corrin: unweaves the illusions I DIED! BEFORE YOU DID! How does that- IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU WERE LAZY ENOUGH TO GET CAUGHT! Ow, my head. weave sthe illusion again, but this time only around himself

(bold is spellspeak)

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Castor: Yes?
Castor: If he got anything else from other jobs, HALF OF IT IS MINE.
Castor: You DIED and came back and left me to rot in jail
Corrin: If I was you and you were me in that situation, would you really hve gone back and turned yourself in?
Corrin: I thought so. disappears again

(goodbye, my friend. i must leave this world now. for on the morrow is boba fett, and he is awesome.)

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Corrin: I wasn't. He was.
Castor: He should have been. Mine was the rest of my LIFE, because APPARENTLY if you steal Terror's claw from Solstice, that's the punishment.
Aethea: Oh, apparently when you steal a piece of the living embodiment of the world's worst fears from the SUN, that's what happens. You know, I never would have guessed.
Castor: grins I know. Completely unreasonable.
Castor: to Addic What, how do I do this? turns to Aethea Do a handstand.
Aethea: Does a very wobbly handstand
Castor: Yeah, that's stardust. Basically, I have stardust in me! Yay me! Which means that-
Corrin: Before you make it sound like you having a teaspoon of stardust in you is amazing and makes you super-powerful or something, let me remind you that Aethea and I have enough in our veins that we could probably set all of Australia on fire with it.
Corrin: And still have enough left over to start on Europe.

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Nori: raised a hand. I have wings and I can make bird noises and occasionally I can see really far.

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Aethea: I turn things into frogs. And moles. And piranhas.
Castor: I have the world's biggest collection of trombones.
Aethea: Why…?
Castor: I didn't steal them. I made other people do it.
Castor: to Nori and Addic What Fergo-Corrin-whoever said sounds really impressive, but they only have about, what, 2 gallons of stardust put together?
Corrin: But it is still enough to set Australia on fire and start on Europe.
Corrin: Oh wait.
Castor: What now, are you going to say you did your math wrong and can do Australia, Russia and part of Europe?
Aethea: Nope. He's realizing how close he is to dying right now.
Castor: And is that bad? Or good?
Corrin: It will be very painful, taht's what it is.

(thank you, tired brain. i first posted with nori and addic written as norric and adi, i wrote trombones as paper clips because french and i wrote castor as beaver also because french. why i name done of my characters beaver will never cease to mystify me.)

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Nori: raises an eyebrow. I would love to see these trombones. And the stardust. And holy hell, you’re dying??

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Aethea: Yes.
Corrin: Yeah. So is everyone else on the face of this earth who is alive at this moment.
Castor: vaguely disappointed You're not dying?
Corrin: I am. In that annoying way that Legacies have of somehow managing to be killing ourselves for all of our lives unless we do something about it.
Castor: That makes no sense. You're killing yourself unless you intervene?
Corrin: UNCONSCIOUSLY killing myself. But yes.
Corrin: And then when we DO intervene with it, IT HURTS. A LOT.
Corrin: And to think that it could all be avoided if I only had one heart-

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Nori: taps his fingers on the turtle. I can rip it out for you. Or intervene myself. Just… unconsciously killing yourself doesn’t sound super fun