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Ëvêāhn: Nothing you'd know of. However, for your naming purposes, I am of an Elder race called the Mists. My name in particular is Ëvêāhn, the Eternal Grey Protector.

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Ëvêāhn: Don't thank me. I am not your god, nor am I your saviour. You would have made it out eventually. I simply helped speed that process up. This is mine job, Ēvrin.

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Ëvêāhn: Well… I suppose then that I have helped you more than I thought. That does not change the fact that I need no thanks. I need to go find Death… he gets impatient when I don't show up for Bingo on time… but as I've always said to him, "Time is relative." He's never listened… Leaves

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Ëvêāhn: Well… if we're talking about heritage making life difficult sometimes, try being the kid of the two most powerful beings in existence with the terrifying looks of one and the personality of the other, plus the powers of both.

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Ëvêāhn: Confused at who Techna is I cannot sense you… what creature are you?

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corrin: I am not a human. or a mortal. i am a Legacy, and as such am one of the closest things my sector, this sector and the whole of District Nineteen have to a god.

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Techna: All of you are actually insane. I'm literally the sanest here, being an AI and not truly alive. Although, I'm sure I do have biological features, such as a digestive tract. I definitely have a heart.

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Ëvêāhn: I am literally a Great Old One, fool Corrin. You are mortal compared to me or Death himself.