forum Character Chat (Anyone can join)
Started by Deleted user

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Nathaniel: A title? No, not that I know of. I'm not a fallen angel or anything, just an angel who… fell from the sky? I dunno, a human duck hunter shot me down and left me for dead. My wings were crushed upon impact, and I haven't been able to fly since.


Nathaniel: shrugs Shot something through my wing as I was flying and I fell. I believe he mistook me for a duck…


Nathaniel: The initial wound is still there, actually. He extends his left wing to reveal a hole near one of the joints

@HighPockets group

Martha: Hi Nathaniel!! I don't really know how to plaster bones, I focus on anestetheology, or the amount of knockout drugs people need to keep them out but not kill them. I wish I could fix your wing though!!


Nathaniel: Folds his wing again (even though they don't fold properly bc they're all crumpled) What's the point of ane.. anth.. anesthewhatever?

@HighPockets group

Martha: I can't spell it either, it's okay. Basically so they don't go into shock from the pain or have to go through surgeries awake. But it's important to get the dosage right, otherwise…….bad things can happen.
Jackson: Like pain.
Geneva: Or death.


Nathaniel: Oh… well, um, what are we supposed to do while we're here? I'm not entirely sure how any of us are goinh to leave


Incëreth: One idiot brother
Kilándrè: None, unless you count my cousin who is adopted by my father as heir

Deleted user

Avery: A brother and a bunch of people i call my family now.


Kilándrè: Half-sisters? Then whose mother is the wife?
(Completely looking from her culture's perspective)

@HighPockets group

Jackson: Parents divorced, Mom remarried but Dad didn't, and my mom had Julie. So half-siblings because we're only half-related. She's the youngest of the four, she's only a Freshman, then Becca and Marley are in college, and Morgan is a reporter. I'm not supposed to have favorites, but….it's totally Julie.