forum Anyone up for a Character Chat?
Started by @dont_call_me_cathy

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@The-Magician group

Amalis heard someone calling for help and instantly ran towards the sound. He found a large hole, and a young girl at the bottom of it. "Where are you hurt?"


"Everywhere!" Arianna called up. Arianna's hands had been scraped in a few places, a minor injury, but her pride was bruised the most. "Who are you?"

@Darkblossom group

(Note: my character looks like a snake with legs. Like, if you cut off her legs she would literally be a snake. She’s also about four feet tall.)
Tiak scented blood, and bounded toward the smell, hoping it was something non sentient she could eat. She sniffed around and found the hole in the darkness, almost falling over the edge.
“Is anyone down there?” She called out. She didn’t have the greatest eyesight, so could just make out Amalis’ shadow on the other side of the hole in the growing night.


"Ummm…" Arianna reached up as far as she could. She was quite small for her age, and her and touched about a foot and a half away from the top. "Here, if you grab my hand, I can try to pull myself up, I'm quite strong, you know" She grinned up at him, her strawberry hair flowing over her shoulders. "Thank you for helping me, Morty. I'm Arianna"

@Darkblossom group

Tiak jumped slightly as Arianna spoke, her acute hearing amplifying the shout. Tiak lost her balance at the very edge of the hole and fell down, her talon like paws skidding across dirt and rock. She landed at the bottom, disoriented but not too badly hurt.

@The-Magician group

Amalis reached down with his long arms, grabbing onto her hand gently. He was a tall being, a full 6'7, and he was also very strong.
"You have a beautiful name." He smiled back. "Take it easy okay?"
He glanced up for a second, seeing something of a lamia, but shook his head thinking it was just his imagination tricking him.

@Darkblossom group

Tiak stood and shook dust off herself, slightly irritated that the grounders had ignored her. She crouched down and pounced on the wall, her claws digging firmly into the soil. She quickly climbed her way up the wall of dirt and stone, and stood up on the opposite side of the hole as the humans, sitting down and beginning to lick her bruises.


"Thank you" Arianna blushed, this man was very handsome. She had to crane her neck to get the full picture, but it was well worth it. Despite being out of the pit, Arianna felt even more discomforted, as if something was watching her. "You are so kind, but what were you doing in the woods in the first place?"

@Darkblossom group

Tiak observed the two humans, disliking the grounder smells coming off of them. She yawned loudly, revealing her sharp, venomous fangs, a row of pointed teeth, and powerful jaws that can crush bone.


There it was again, the feeling of suspense. Arianna forced a smiled at Morty, "How about we go…" She didn't want to seem scared, especially in front of that handsome man. A nervous chuckle escaped her lips.

@Darkblossom group

Tiak groaned, and stepped closer to the grounders, not caring to be quiet.
“I’m right here, you know. Also, stop flirting. It’s annoying.” Tiak spoke loudly, wondering if grounders were deaf.


What was Arianna looking at? It defiantly wasn't human. The chuckle turned into a scream. She turned and started running away as fast as she could from the reptile thingy. Was Morty behind her? "Help!" She cried.

@The-Magician group

Amalis was instantly in front of Arianna, stopping her in her tracks. "Calm down, she won't hurt you."
He glanced over her shoulder at the creature with a firm expression. It had been a good few thousand years since he had seen one of her kind, and had almost forgotten they existed.

@Darkblossom group

Tiak stepped calmly toward the humans.
“I won’t hurt you. I’m just a Skarmin. We don’t eat sentient beings.” She smiled hospitably, her scaly tail swinging back and forth like a dog’s.


"Are you CRAZY!" Was Morty insane? It looked like it was about to eat her. " I think I'm gonna go… maybe you should come to." She turned to run, but her foot got caught on a tree root and brought her crashing to the ground. She let out a howl of pain, and mentally prepared herself for death.

@Darkblossom group

Tiak just laughed, exposing her normally concealed fangs once more.
“Do you see any horns? Do I look like I’m going to kill you?” Tiak just laughed, shaking her head in amusement.

@The-Magician group

"Please calm down, Miss." Amalis knelt down beside Arianna, lifting her back to her feet. "The creature will not hurt you, therefore you have nothing to fear. Trust me." He smiled warmly, hoping she would trust him.


"You have FANGS. And are part SNAKE. And you are TALKING." Arianna stood up shakily. She didn't run, her ankle was throbbing to painfully. "And last time I checked, mountain lions kill people-they don't have horns-and they are NORMAL animals! Arianna was hyperventilating. She took a deep breath and swallowed. Turning to Morty, but never taking her eyes off of the Skarmin, she said "Are you sure it is to be trusted?"