forum Scenarios
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@stolenbrocoli group

#1 Garret would totally snitch and Dani would give them tips :)
#2 Garret would probably keep his distance (he doesn’t like gross things, that includes people) and Dani would probably give him $20 or sum
#3 Garrets friends don’t have romantic partners lol (jkjk) but he would probably tell his friend and Dani would probably beat the cheater up and then tell her friend
#4 Garret would turn it into the nearest establishment saying he found it and Dani would act like it was hers that she dropped and pick it up like no big deal
#5 Garret doesn’t accept, he has exactly 0 outdoors skills and Dani would bring an unnecessary amount of snacks and probably a bunch of portable phone chargers
#6 Garret flips out and has a bit of an anxiety attack while Dani probably knows how to fix it
#7 Garret once again flips out, even though he likely wasn’t doing anything wrong, and Dani pulls over calmly and talks her way out of whatever is happening
#8 Garret chooses sci fi and Dani chooses horror or indie
#9 Garret would recommend either ender’s game or maybe 1984 and Dani would recommend the forest of hands and teeth or the mists of avalon
#10 Garret stays away from it because he thinks he might get dragged into it and Dani cheers it on
#11 Garret is scared for a while but rationalizes it away and Dani is either unaffected or is too scared to sleep for the next few nights
#12 Garret doesn’t like vacation, he’d rather stay in his room, and Dani would go to the mountains, she likes snowboarding
#13 Garret calls the cops and hides in a closet and Dani attempts to kill them
#14 Once again, garret rationalizes it away and Dani is once again, either unaffected or terrified, no inbetween
#15 Garret is terrified the whole time and the rest of his life becomes an ongoing panic attack and Dani screams A LOT gagged or not. A lot of kicking too. She’ll just be a total pain in the ass
#16 Garret gets some clothes and his laptop and Dani already has a go bag
#17 Garret once again panics the whole time and Dani eats all she wants because it’s their fault for locking her in there
#18 Can’t swim so he’ll just chill in the shallow end and Dani LOVES splashing around and swimming she’ll have the time of her life
#19 Garret would flip tf out and Dani would probably be chill about it but still ask them some questions
#20 Garret is super awkward and Dani tries to avoid them if she can or at least cuts the convo short
#21 Garret flips out (gee this is getting repetitive for him) and Dani flees when she realizes she can’t clear her name (unless its something super small but if is murder or something along those lines shes OUT)
#22 Garret flips out and Dani hides the body (she’s had a plan since she was in 7th grade)
#23 Garret would probably ruin the moment by being weird and Dani: pukes commitment? Gross
#24 Same answer
#25 Garret dissociates from live and Dani either falls into a depression or tries to fix it even if she can’t
#26 Garret flips out and Dani would probably just end it
#27 Garret once again dissociates and Dani either gets depressed or stays in the denial stage (funny cos they both lose someone at some point lol sorry if i spoiled anything Sy :/ )
#28 Garret gets scared and looks around to make sure no one saw and Dani plays it off like it didn’t happen
#29 Garret plays his whole music library (gross no offense to anyone) and Dani has a playlist for every. Single. Mood.
#30 Panic mode for both of them

This was super fun thanks for tagging me :D

@ccb group

August is terrified, despite definitively having done nothing wrong. He complies diligently, and when it's over, if he's alone, he cries in his car.

Page: "Uhh, I read Gatsby in tenth grade. Well, I read some of it. It was good.
Darcy: "I love Jane Eyre, though a lot of people our age don't appreciate Brontë's prose."
August: "If you're into mysteries, Harlan Coben is always good. Also, have you ever read The Martian? It's really interesting."
Jesse: "That depends. The best book I've read in the past few years is The Road by Cormac McCarthy, but I only recommend that if you're ready to be emotionally devastated. If not—well, if you want to be less sad, but still a little sad, have you read any Fredrik Backman? A Man Called Ove is really sweet. Or, if you want something lighter altogether, you can't go wrong with Nora Ephron. Sorry, I'm rambling a little."
Silas: "I just finished The Buried Giant by Ishiguro, he's one of my favorite authors. Oh, you still haven't read LOTR? I don't want to tell you what to do, but… if there's one time in my life that I'm going to tell you what to do, it's now. Please read LOTR. If you want."

If Page knows either party, she'll join the fight against the person she likes less.
August will intervene and try to break it up.

Page wakes up, comes to, is relieved it wasn't real, and brushes it off (though if it's a subject that makes her uncomfortable enough, she might struggle to avoid thinking about it for the rest of the day).
Darcy has nightmares most nights, and is used to them. If she ever has a really terrible one, she might wake up in a cold sweat and not sleep for the rest of the night.
August will listen to music or watch something calming in order to try to coax himself back to sleep (if he has time). He has a lot of stress dreams.
Jesse has nightmares often, and when things are going bad enough for him, they'll be unsettling enough that he'll regularly wake up having panic attacks.
Silas doesn't move from his bed until he absolutely must. He might stay under the covers all day if given the chance, and if he can't, he'll go to class looking even more exhausted than usual.

Page: "What the fuck… Mom?"
Darcy: "What the fuck… Mom?"
(Page and Darcy have different moms by the way. That is important to note, because they're in love.)

Darcy: She actually does get kidnapped in her canon, by another very powerful magic user, who nerfs her abilities and then gives her the second worst news of her life while she's half-conscious and aching everywhere. Page rescues her.

In addition to the essentials, Darcy tries to get as many paintings and photos off her walls as she can. She'll either go to her Uncle Basil's house or crash in Page's dorm.
Silas rescues every single stuffed animal and plush that he can, and calls his mom to come pick him up.

August is particularly stressed out at first, and Darcy is cursing everyone out for getting them into such a fiasco (it was probably mostly Page and Jesse's fault, if it was anyone), but eventually, everyone settles into the idea that they're stuck for the night, and they have fun with it.

Page: "Hey, what's up?! It's been so long. I'm throwing a party [on my floor/at my house] this weekend, you should come!"
Darcy: (disdainful crickets)
Silas: (shy crickets)

Page does everything she can to keep their spirits up, and refuses to be pessimistic about their fate no matter how dire things get. She might break down all at once towards the end, but if her loved one is actually terminally ill, she doesn't want their last image to be of her crying.
Darcy will withdraw, at least at first. She's lost people that she's loved before, and it's the most painful thing in the world, and it was stupid of her to even get any "loved ones" again after everything. Eventually, when the guilt catches up to her, she might come back and stick with them.
August was probably the one who noticed they were showing signs of illness in the first place, and he takes incredibly good care of them, trying to keep himself hopeful by doing every constructive thing he can (maybe in a vague attempt to "fix it").
Jesse tries very hard to put on a brave face like Page would, but often can't manage. Expect lots of crying spells from him.
Silas does whatever he can to soothe the pain, physically and emotionally, even if he doesn't understand it.

Jesse puts on whichever playlist will prove most effectively that his music taste is good and unique.

this was really fun, i'd love to see more if you're planning on it!

Deleted user

Cecilia: Looks around to make sure no one saw that.
Marissa: "Ow. Cecilia I'M DYING!"

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Situation #31: They get lost in the woods.

Situation #32: Watching TV

Situation #33: Babysitting

Situation #34: See a person waiting for a ride-share approached by a driver whose details don't match with what's in the app.

Situation #35:

Situation #36: Offered to try a new food.

Situation #37: Break out in hives.

Situation #38: Discriminated against.

Situation #39: Lied to.

Situation #40: Painting.

Deleted user

Blaze: What the heck, who has the map.
Natalie: Drake was supposed to have the map.
Drake: I don't have the map!
Tiana: Sit down loser, let the adults handle this.

@stolenbrocoli group

#31 Garret would have no idea what to do since he has no survival skills and Dani would know how to make a shelter and such and might even be able to get back to civilization
#32 Garret would probably watch a documentary or sci-fi movie/show and Dani would either watch Zombieland or Juno or something like that
#33 Garret would be superrrr bad w kids and way too awkward to effectively take care of them and Dani has amazing momma instincts so she’d be great and also have a good time w it
#34 Garret would be too anxious to do anything about it, he’d probably just watch and worry. Dani would pull the person away from the car and tell them what’s going on (assuming they don’t already know)
#35 Garret would spend so much time trying to figure out what to do about it that by the time he actually has a plan, it’d be too late. Dani would spend every moment of her life with that person until they feel they’re in a better mental space (she would still check in on them to make sure they’re okay)
#36 Garret: I’d rather stick with my usual, thanks (salads mainly)
Dani would only try it if it’s extremely sweet or salty
#37 They both wouldn’t go out in public until it’s gone (easy for Garret not so much for Dani)
#38 Garret doesn’t believe racism exists so would probably take it as a more personal offense and Dani would absolutely go all social justice warrior in one way or another
#39 Garret would flip out and probably never talk to that person again, even if it was a small lie, and Dani would get some payback by feeding them lies that may or may not ruin said person’s life
#40 Garret has 0 artistic skill and Dani would probably paint some dark, abstract painting depicting her emotions

Deleted user

Blaze: Don't even think about it. I'll have to come save you.
Natalie: Nooo, don't do it! Please, don't.
Drake: calling 911
Alev: Grabs them and handcuffs their wrist to his Just you try.
Tiana: Mind if I join you?

Blaze: (is the queen, so no one can be rude to her)
Natalie: (gets discriminated against almost every day, she doesn't even pay attention anymore.)
Drake: And here's my 500 page long list of why I'm better than you! (nothing can touch his superiority complex, except Tiana, who frequently slaps his superiority complex in the face.)
Alev: ( gets discriminated against all the time, can't say anything for fear of getting in trouble.)
Tiana: the look

@ccb group

Page is literally physically unable to get lost in the woods. Dryad instincts, baby.
Silas knows he should be trying to find a way out at some point, but he's having a grand old time.

Page shouldn't babysit. She will be asked to heat up leftovers for the kid for dinner and she will fuck it up somehow and order a Domino's pizza with cookie brownies instead and she will let the kid eat way too much and have a sugar rush and she will let the kid stay up until midnight. And at the end of the day, she'll think she did an okay job, because hey, the kid seemed happy.
Last time Darcy babysat was for Cleo when they were 16 and 8, respectively. She mostly just sat and read while Cleo occasionally brought her toads and beads. It was chill.
August babysat his sisters all throughout their childhood, from the time that they were babies until Christelle was old enough to babysit herself. He is THE best babysitter. He can change a diaper, he knows exactly how to satiate a teething toddler, he knows how to get a wired kiddo to go to sleep, he can cook a nutritious meal that doesn't taste nutritious, and he is very tall and gentle, so kids feel like they can climb on him like he's a tree. There’s a reason he wants to specialize in pediatrics. He's so good at babysitting that he even babysits friends his own age when they're hammered.
Jesse used to babysit Sam and Emily pretty often when they were younger, but it didn't really feel like babysitting because he loves spending time with his sisters. It usually entailed playing Mario Kart and/or Smash with them and then reading them bedtime stories when it was time to go to sleep.
Silas babysits Jonah every once in a while. He's pretty good at it, because he has otherworldly levels of patience, but Jonah is spoiled, so it's exhausting. He basically just has to let himself get pushed around by a 4-year-old all night.

Page: You need to reach out to someone. I… I don't know what to do here, but I need you to reach out to someone. [calls in backup of some kind to help her, whether that's an ambulance or another friend]
Darcy: I'm going to be honest with you. I understand where you’re coming from, and I have some idea of how you feel. But I think until you've seen death firsthand, you can't understand how permanent it is. There's no coming back, no matter how much anyone wants you to [getting choked up, though she pretends she isn't]. There might not even be an afterlife. You won't feel vindicated, because you won't feel anything. And… I'm not being sappy here, I'm just telling you the truth, there are people who care about you. And in my opinion, the most abject, excruciating pain a person can feel is losing someone that they care about. So I’d ask you to reconsider.
August: You're serious? … Okay. I'm taking you to the hospital. Get in the car, I'm not letting you kill yourself. If you don't let me drive you to the hospital, I'll call an ambulance, and I'll physically restrain you until it gets here. You're dreaming if you think I'm letting you die today.
Jesse: Please don't. I-I get it, I've felt the same way. A lot. But you have a lot to offer, I would be really sad if… Okay. A lot of people have tried to tell me “your life is worth living,” but when it doesn’t feel that way, that just seems condescending. It’s more like… your self is worth preserving. I mean, you're lovely, and kind, and talented, and smart, it would be a real loss for everyone if you… if you… [hugs you tight and bursts into tears, apologizing and begging you to stay until your heart can't take his crying anymore and you promise to at least get help].
Silas: [this is one of the few situations where Silas will take any kind of initiative/confront anyone. He invites you back to his dorm room, offers you a seat on his fluffy chair and a cup of tea. Goes FULL therapist mode]. I’ll start this off by saying that I really like you and don’t want you to kill yourself. But why is it that you want to? What do you think it will accomplish, and what would have to change in your life for that urge to lessen? [he keeps talking to you until you’ve gotten to something resembling a recovery plan, helps you set up an appointment with an actual therapist, and gives you a hug].

Page: Yeah, asshole, I’m gay! I’m gay and a dedicated athlete and about a head taller than you, so fuck around and find out!
August will usually just take it until it’s over. Speaking up about it in the moment is terrifying for him, which is perfectly understandable.

There are few things that Darcy hates more than being lied to or manipulated. If you do either of those things to her, and she finds out, you will get hexed, and maybe slapped.

@Toaster group

Angel would fly up to get a good view of where she was.
Corwyn would pull out his map. (I swear he has one for everything.)
Corwyn: SHHHH!
Angel: Why u no like me?

Corwyn: No, (name), PuT tHe KnIfE dOwN, pLeAsE!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

41: Find $150.
42: Get a positive on a pregnancy test.
43: Involved in a bank robbery as a hostage.
44: Involved in a bank robbery as one of the robbers.
45: Discover that they have a sibling that they have never met.
46: A friend asks them to cover for them.
47: Forced into doing something that they don't want to do.
48: Crashed the car.
49: Learning how to do woodwork.
50: Breaks an urn that contains the ashes of a loved one/pet.

@Toaster group

Angel: Honestly, this is the least of my worries. Also, hi! Nice to finally meet you!
Angel: Dangit! Not again!
Corwyn: No! My perfect driving record! T.T
Angel: Cries for a while, then finds any way possible to fix it
Corwyn: Nooooooooooo! (The same thing)

@kingnocedas group

#1: kacey would confront them head-on. nabila would calmly tell the shopkeeper. karuko would most likely be the one shoplifting
#2: kacey would walk by at first, but her guilt would get the better of her and she'd go back to help. nabila would help immediately. karuko would do the same as kacey.
#3: kacey would to the partner and immediately cuss them out. nabila would record it and go directly to the friend's house, showing them the video then after they'd go to the partner and ruin their social life by exposing them. karuko would wait until the partner is alone and give them a "the reason you suck" speech.
#4: kacey's first instinct would be to keep the wallet, but she's instantly chastise herself and go to the person. nabila would pick it up and take it the person. karuko would take it and give it back, but with half of the money.
#5: kacey would ABSOLUTELY go and she'd bring a sleeping bag, food and water, resources and her tennis racket (just in case). nabila wouldn't go because mud is icky. karuko wouldn't go because she can't be bothered
#6: kacey would try to physically call for help, or walk to the nearest place with cell service. nabila would be pissed and wouldn't know what to do, karuko could accept her fate and lie down in the middle of the road.

(i'll come back to this later)