language Universes by person Robin Blade

Character created by FRIENDS

Character created by FRIENDS close

Any character under this "universe" will be a character that was NOT created by me, nor do I have the rights over them, however these characters are related to my characters and I wanted to mention them but giving my friends the proper autorship.

last updated almost 4 years ago

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Fan OCs

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Fan OCs close

last updated over 2 years ago

Norrington's Desire

Norrington's Desire close

NORRINGTONs DESIRE: Is the main universe created by Robin Blade [FKA DragonSunGod]. A world where fantasy creatures like dragons, elves, dwarves, pegasus, and demons exist, though humans are not unaware of those species, they're not very fond of them and prefer to be out of their business.

The story mostly revolves around The V7D, a Vigilante Task Force:

• The Necromancer/Death Medea Norrington


last updated about 1 year ago