forum what's something that's super uncomfortable for you to write about that's also essential to your plot?
Started by @Anyanka99 groupoh shit waddup

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☁ 𝙲𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚒

Hmmm…maybe the torture scenes in the first few chapters of my book. I mean, it's not very hard but I kinda feel bad for inflicting all this upon my main character. Also (but this doesn't happen for at least 5 books) when the main character finds his father/his father finds him (I still need to figure out how that happens), after a while, his father just leaves him, and he has to go back to the orphanage where all the torture happens.

@Starfast group

Yeah, for me it was torture as well. It had to be my youngest character too because the villains didn't really have any motivation for torturing the other two. I felt bad doing it, but without that scene then there's really nothing to show how evil the villains are.

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For me… it's the mention of rape. I just can't do it, ya know? It makes me uncomfortable


Sooooo I have a character who at one point was a stripper, and this is like a major part of his background and character development so I need to write it but every time I try my brain just shuts off XD
It’s weird especially since he’s the character I currently kin the most


I have a Genderfluid character who isn't accepted by their mother and every time I think about a scene with that element it hurts. Also romantic scenes because I have no idea how to interact with other people platonically let alone romantically.


Romance scenes
Even though I am in a romantic relationship I always feel like I've gone too far with romance and its really difficult for me

Just the words kiss and blood (and some other ones that I've just forgotten) make me uncomfortable to even say.

@LilMeme group

I have a character, Unzari who engaged in some type of prostitution and is around highschool age, it ties in Unzari's virtue and sin (lust and charity) but I can't help but feel weird trying to think up the scene

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Okay so I have no problem with romance, but writing good romance is hard for me to do because my buildup skills are second to all and I’m the least romantic person you’ll ever meet. Also there’s romance’s counterpart, which I cannot write but know I have to reference once because of reasons too complicated to explain here but are mostly for establishing a character is ace.

@Reblod flag

I find sexual assault and rape hard to write but I refuse to omit it and pretend it doesn't happen in my world when it definitely does


Writing horror, for me, hasn’t been as hard as I’ve imagined it to be. When it comes to intimate/casual scenes though, I kind of have no idea what to do.

(Torture methods seem to be the easiest for me to conjure up, and I find that weird since my love for writing was inspired by children’s books and cartoons :/)

☁ 𝙲𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚒

I didn't write this yet (as it's in the end of the last book in my series), but I plan on killing off the main character (deuteragonist). I won't say anything about him, or else I'll go into this whole description, but…still. He was one of my two favorites.
I actually just had a dream about it this morning and I started crying for like 30 minutes when I woke up :/

And many other things (which I won't say…unless you ask)

@areasell group

having to explain in detail the goddeses trial for Jabun, because it is absolutely brutal. Also since most of my characters are ancestors and I write about their fathers, I absolutely despise having to explain how reproduction happens in the zelda universe.