forum personality test--sakinorva functions
Started by @ccb group

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@ccb group

hello everyone long time no see :')

so, i know mbti is pretty pseudoscientific, but that doesn't change the fact that i've been an mbti nerd on and off for nearly a decade, and i think that fictional character development is one of a few places where it's really applicable and useful. the problem is, i feel like the level of complexity on which i want my characters to exist and the disparate models and methods of determining mbti type makes it hard to convey what i want to convey by going "oh yes [so and so character] is [so and so mbti type]." but today my friend and i were playing around with…

this test!!!

and we really liked it, and i find it particularly interesting that because it's a cognitive function based test, and cognitive functions can be so nebulous and loosely defined, it gives you your results as per three different models. i personally still just got entp for all 3 lol, but i took it for all five of my main characters to find that they all got disparate results between systems to some degree, in a way that i feel really does represent them well. if you have the time, i wanna see you folks take it as your characters too!! (and as yourselves if you're so inclined lol) i'm curious to see how different oc's personalities map!!

also, i should add, when you're taking them for your characters instead of yourself, please be sure to select "no" when it asks if your answers can be used for data analysis, as i'm sure the quiz-maker is looking to work with the personality data of real people and not fictional characters lol

@threesacult group

Thank you for the recommendation! I’ve used 16 Personalities’ test before, but I’ve heard it’s not super accurate. I’ll definitely come back to this!
I’d also recommend the Enneagram test! I haven’t used it for characters, but I have taken it myself, and I found it a lot more accurate.

@ccb group

Thank you for the recommendation! I’ve used 16 Personalities’ test before, but I’ve heard it’s not super accurate. I’ll definitely come back to this!
I’d also recommend the Enneagram test! I haven’t used it for characters, but I have taken it myself, and I found it a lot more accurate.

that’s interesting! i don’t really like enneagram for myself, since i don’t feel like any type within it suits me as well (i say i’m 7w6 but i feel like there’s a lot of ground that doesn’t cover), but i do use it for my characters! i like to know as many of their personality categories as possible, it’s nice to paint a fuller picture (hence why i like the sakinorva function based test)