forum Out in Space (classic lit and sci fi!) (CLOSED, stalkers welcome)
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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This is less gothic lit centric, and more just…classics. If it's something you'd be assigned in school, or if it's something old and well-known, you can use a character from it.

Our characters are maybe admittedly not the perfect fit for this job, but they know what needs to get done and they're willing to do it. They've been hired by a man named James Moriarty to stop a mysterious crime leader known only as the Clay Man, before he can destroy the city through his plots and assassinations.

Our characters are characters from classic literature, remixed to fit into the 32nd century space station/citadel, Soul. They quickly form a sort of found family unit, and it's awesome.

If you're wondering how advanced this gets think like, hovercars and gene editing but not time travel.

Rules/general info:

  • Swearing is fine but slurs? Hell no.
  • Violence will occur
  • Don't be bigoted, for that matter. Discrimination is a Big No.
  • Regardless of political/personal beliefs, be chill.
  • Please make your characters diverse and well rounded! Don't be scared of making a character fat or disabled or anything, as long as you can be respectful and realistic go ahead and do it.
  • No OP characters. Magic technically does exist but if you're a Vampire or something, don't go full Edward Cullen or some shit we don't respect Twilight in this house but that's unrelated.
  • If you won't be online a whole lot, let me know beforehand.
  • Please post at least once or twice a day though.
  • Posts must include up to three sentences, excluding dialogue.
  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply.
  • NSFW should be skipped over or sent to PMs
  • If you're uncomfortable, say it! We can totally redirect if you're triggered! Respect for metal health here.
  • OCs are fine? But I'd rather you not use them and instead make your own characters heavily based off of/entirely like the original characters. Say, Dorian Grey, but nonbinary and owns a mail carrying business as a front for mob antics, as an example. Feel free to even use that for your character. Hell, I won't stop you!
  • Take a break if you need it, we can easily find a way to get your character out of a scene.
  • Have fun!
  • You may have two characters at most



Name: Hamlet Aleksandar Monpezat (Goes by Alek or Aleks, usually, and not by Hamlet)
Age: 22
Gender/Pronouns: Trans-male, he/him
Orientation: Biromantic demisexual
Appearance: Alek is of about average height, standing at 5'9". He will often insist that it is, in fact, 5'10", if only to make himself seem just a little bit taller. He is rather angular in body shape, with a slim figure and long, nimble fingers, along with rather pronounced cheekbones. He is rather pale, with only the faintest dots of freckles on the bridge of his nose, that really only appear in summer. His hair is pale blond, and his eyes are a medium blue. He typically dresses in black. Has some scars from top and bottom surgeries. Has a tattoo on his inner left wrist that simply says "Memento Mori".
Personality: Alek can be, admittedly, rather indecisive and prone to wild theories, often jumping from idea to idea in a manner that can, from the outside, seem nonsensical or even mad. This has, of course, earned him the title/nickname of "The Mad Prince", since he doesn't bother explaining these seeming gaps in his logic. Towards friends and family, he is often caring, if a little capricious. He is thoughtful, but often prone to bouts of cynicism, bitterness, and melancholy, often falling into periods of depression that he has a hard time shaking. The death of his father affected him severely, to the point where he often refuses to speak of it, and of his later involvement in the deaths of his father's brother, his mother, and others. He is intelligent and quick-witted, though these qualities are often hidden under his other, more glaring mannerisms.
Skills: Can do things under the guise of his "madness" that others might not suspect (meaning he could do something seemingly random that could set in motion other events). Good at scheming up plans, but not necessarily good at following through with them. Has a good ability with weapons of all sorts, as well. Acting.
Hobbies: Writing, often in long-winded essays that never end up being published. Watching or participating in theatrical productions. Exploring.
Backstory: (cracks knuckles here we go–) Aleksandar was born Hamlet Aleksa Monpezat, the heir to the throne of Danmar, a city-state. At 13, he came out as trans, which his family accepted. Mostly. His uncle was not very happy, but couldn't do much about it. He also did not have a great relationship with his uncle anyways, do to his uncle being abusive towards Alek. Alek never told, and still won't to this day. When he was 18, after having surgery, he headed off to college in a different city. A year later, he received word that his father had died. Upon his return, he discovered that his mother had married his uncle not even a month after his father's death, and that his uncle was now the king of Danmar, a position that rightfully should have been Alek's. While going through some of his father's old possessions, he finds a video that his father recorded as he was dying, saying that Hamlet the elder had been poisoned by Claudius, the uncle. Alek, furious, swears to avenge his father's death. However, hobbled by his own indecisiveness and thoughtful personality, the way he does this is extraordinarily roundabout, and it takes several tries. During this time, Alek's fiance, Ophelia, goes mad and commits suicide after Alek mistakenly kills her father, thinking him to be Claudius. Laertes, Ophelia's brother, challenges Alek to a duel. Laertes is working with Claudius, and together, he and Alek's uncle plan to kill Alek. This plan backfires, and Alek's mother is mistakenly poisoned. She warns Alek, who kills Laertes, and then kills Claudius. Claudius does not die a quick, clean death. Alek, having been driven to the brink of sanity by everything that has happened, tortures his uncle to death, then forces him to drink the same poison that killed Alek's mother. Alek was found, insensible and near death himself, by Fort, the prince of a nearby city-state, who had been coming to attend a ceremony that would help the two city-states form an allegiance. Fort commits Alek to a hospital to try and help him, and in the meantime takes control of Danmar. Once Alek is deemed fully recovered, he takes back control of the city from Fort. However, he is the only living survivor of what has been deemed The Royal Massacre, and still refuses to tell the story of that day and the dark months leading up to it. After a year of leading Danmar, at age 21, he passes the throne to Horatio, his best friend, and vanishes into the night.
Other: ~

Name: Sherlock Holmes
Age: 20
Gender/Pronouns: Non-binary, they/them
Orientation: Demi-romantic asexual
Appearance: Sherlock is tall, about 5'2", but skinny as a rake. They have dark green eyes. They are latinx, with olive toned skin. They have curly dark hair, that springs up from their head in crazy corkscrews that they do their best to keep under control, though they don't always succeed. They dress pretty professionally most of the time. They prefer longsleeve buttonups, usually in white, and then a dark pair of trousers. Sometimes suspenders. Usually they wear a dark trench coat over top, no matter the weather.
Personality: Sherlock is extraordinarily smart, and very blunt about everything. Due to this, they can come across as harsh, though they don't mean to. If they realize they have hurt someone, they will apologize, but they don't always realize it, due to being pretty emotionally blind. They aren't good with emotions at all, whether their own or someone else's, and as a result, tend to come across as rather cold. Struggles occasionally with addiction.
Skills: Anything useful to detective work
Hobbies: they enjoy knitting when they have time or are stressed
Backstory: Sherlock was kicked out of their home at 17. They shortly met an ex-military Dr. John Watson and his wife, Mary Watson, and stayed with them for a while solving mysteries on the side for cash. They ended up staying with the couple and became very close friends with them both. They have since moved out, but remain friends with the Watsons. They want a pet cat, but don't have one since they feel it might be too time-consuming, and they already have so much on their plate. They have dabbled with drugs before, and struggle with that sometimes.
Other: has at least mild, undiagnosed autism


Name: Mina Harker
Age: (20+) 26
Gender/Pronouns: female, she/her
Orientation: bisexual
Appearance: but with green eyes. 5’5, pear-shaped body. Wears this underneath that coat
Personality: ENFJ- a natural born leader, full of passion and charisma. She’s unafraid to stand up and speak what needs to be said. Finds it easy to communicate with others. Tends to get very involved in other’s lives. A true altruist, and unafraid to go through a struggle to get to a brighter future
Skills: Observant, creative, tolerant and diplomatic, knowledgeable on vampires, able to see through someone’s mind as long as she knows their name and where they are
Hobbies: reading, listening to podcasts, spending time with friends and Jonathan
Backstory: (cracks knuckles as well hoo boy-) Mina Murray became an orphan around the age of 10. All she remembers is her parents going somewhere one day and never coming back. She theorizes her parents were killed by the Clay Man, as she knew her parents were pretty important people. She inherited her parent’s mansion and was raised by her aunt and her wife until she was 19, around the time she met Jonathan Harker. They get engaged around 3 years later. In that time, Mina establishes an orphanage, as she realizes that not every orphan is as lucky as her, but only now had the resources to act on that realization. One day, while Jonathan is away for work, her friend Lucy Wistenra falls ill. Mina then hears that Jonathan is being kept at a hospital, and he insists that he marry her there. Despite the efforts of other good friends of theirs, Dr. Seward and Dr. Van Helsing, Lucy dies. Jonathan recovers and describes his traumatic experience with a client of his, one Count Dracula. Dr. Van Helsing and Mina then discuss all that had happened, and she begins to suspect that Dracula might be working for the Clay Man. Then, the children in her orphanage begin dying mysteriously. Van Helsing reveals that Lucy has become a vampire and is draining the blood of children in the area. So, with the help of Seward, Arthur Holmwood, Lucy’s ex-fiancé, and Quincy Morris, a friend and one of Lucy’s suitors, they stab Lucy’s heart to prevent her from rising again. Van Helsing, revealing himself to be a vampire expert, educates everyone on vampires, the powers, habits, etc. Unfortunately, Mina, being caught up in keep the children in her orphanage safe, doesn’t attend Van Helsing’s vampire lesson. Soon, she also becomes ill. Every night, she dreams of thick mist, burning red eyes, and a white face looming over her. One night, Mina is attacked by who she now knows to be Dracula, who force feeds her is own blood, so he can spy on them through her. The men find her and her husband, who was put into a stupor by Dracula, and they fight back. Dracula escapes, leaving Mina traumatized. The next day, the men plan to leave to try and stop Dracula by destroying his 50 boxes of earth, which he uses to stay strong. They managed to destroy 49 of them, but Dracula escaped with the last one. Through Mina’s power, they are able to figure out that he’s going back to Transylvania, and they have to get to him before he makes it there. Mina and Van Helsing go and seal off his castle, while the other men kill him before he’s able to reach it. Though Dracula was dead, the curse he placed on Mina was not. It morphed into the power as it is described above.
Though it’s been 3 years, those events and how they connect with the Clay Man and her parents plague her to this day (I’ll just leave it at that)
Other: btw, Mina left the orphanage in the care of her aunt and her wife while she was on her vampire adventure. Mina and Jonathan also own a cat, a silver tabby named, well, Silver


(Oh no! Idk picture Vanya from the umbrella academy but with a rounder face and green eyes and large round glasses, and she’s rocking that dark academia aesthetic)


( Crocs, you just need to base your character off of a character from a "classic" lit, and honestly I don't mind if you used a movie of the book for reference. For instance, if you wanna use a Les Mis character, but have only seen the musical, that's fine. And the book doesn't necessarily have to be classic, either. Just at least forty or fifty, or something that might be assigned in a classroom setting.
Starlight, sure! Welcome aboard. Any questions?)


((no no ice honey you don't understand i don't think i've seen, read, or even heard ANYTHING. like. absolutely zilch. but i shall go peruse my movie watch list to see if i maybe have. it'd be super cool if i had. the problem with assigned books is that i literally don't read them lmao that's why we have sparknotes))


((okay turns out that isn't true, i watched the old movie for little women forever ago. but uhhh i may have a character idea? based on the lolita novel, which i have not read but despise entirely–i have unfortunately witnessed the wikipedia page–and the whole idea would feature a heavy topic because of how. ykno. the book. but if nobody here is made too uncomfortable by that it could be interesting to write, and i promise, no adult i write would ever have relations with a child and i would be doing an older version of said child anyway))


(I mean Little Women could be cool too lol.

Ooh I'm fine with that if the others are! ngl Alek was molested by his uncle when he was a kid too, tho I wasn't planning on saying it in RP)