forum How do you pick last names for your OCs?
Started by @DemisedKenze face

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@larcenistarsonist group

!!! okay i have a small process

  • I make my character first. Come up with their role, their appearance, a little bit of their backstory and a first name
  • the next thing I take into account is their race/ethnicity. Google is a great resource for this. (I just Google "most common Spanish last names" or "French last names" and go from there.)
  • Then I look through and find one that fits!
  • something i take into account is how many syllables i want in a last name and the sound. do I want hard consonants to contrast with the smooth sounding first name? do I want something monosyllabic after a three-syllable first name? do I want alliteration? just stuff like that!
  • it takes a LOT of looking and testing, but surely you'll find one eventually.

some examples of my character last names:
Howie Láng
Abel Nakamura
Morrison Tomatuk
Blaire Ortega
Vaughn Johansson
Sidney Spokes

@squiddicus language

  • I often use a fantasy name generator if I want a surname for a character in a sci-fi or fantasy setting - sometimes I'll tweak the letters slightly to make the name exactly how I want it.
  • If you want it to have meaning, you can google 'last names meaning X' or something along those lines!
  • Like MJ said above, sometimes I want a last name with a specific number of syllables or a specific set of letters - I like to think about the area my character comes from and what language patterns there are there: what the most common letters and word lengths might be. For example, one of my characters comes from a world where x, z and q are common consonants and i and e are the most common vowels, so I created her name mostly using these letters. Obviously you might not have put thought into the language of your world if it's a fictional setting, but if it's a real world location you can consider the language (and of course google common surnames from that area as MJ mentioned).
  • I always think sci-fi characters have very cool surnames, so half the time I'll just be flicking through one of my books for inspiration!

Deleted user

In my universe, all last names are constellation names
I have a website bookmarked with all 88 of the officially recognized constellations and choose what goes best with their first name

Juniper Aquila
Foxglove Scorpius
Wraith Columba
Mirage Andromeda
Jupiter Sagitta
Nebula Pavo
Cedar Lyra
Ganymede Eridanus

@a-creative-name emoji_events

I usually base it on their primary color or a pattern they wear and I also use Wikipedia to look up people from their place and culture for last names.

Kai Shian (cyan)
Zen Midori (green)
Daizo Ichimatsu ( a checkered pattern)
Murasaki "Shikibu" (named after author Murasaki Shikibu(even though it's not a last name(more like a title) I think it's a cool ode to a writer)


Personally I just key smash: fsyrzfxj
and then add vowels and take things out: fysri specifically for fantasy characters since this world probably has a different way of doing things like last names and swear words.

Deleted user

I use a random name generator
(this one)
its really fun because you can generate backstories with the names
(like blood types, birthdays and causes of death)
i really like this and i find this name generator helpful