forum Good name for an occult detective?
Started by Caboose

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So I'm doing a bit of world building surrounding my organization that deals with supernatural fuckery. I'm writing the founder right now but I don't have a name for him. Any ideas?

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Hm… here are a few suggestions

I’d go for a name that’s common like


Or a name that gives of a vibe when you say it like

Paxton (Pax for short)

I also think that you should choose a name base off of the mood and time period, but it’s not necessary

Hope this was a little bit helpful

@Thesaurus-Rex33 group

If they have magic something that represents that magic maybe as a code name? My villains name is Dust (she controls wind and names like that are common on her planet) but she FAKES having the ability to manipulate shadows, so she goes by Antumbra. It’s a type of eclipse :D
So maybe something not too known about his magic if he has any, if not something about his mood. I love names that have meanings to the characters lol