forum freshman advice corner(more advice from crocs)
Started by @croccin-champagne

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a place for you little incoming and current freshies, and anyone else confused, young, and or needing help to come and ask your questions. anyone is free to offer advice too, if they have any to share!

also, for those of you looking for advice about makeup, fashion, style things, and general confidence/boosters, check here, and don't be afraid to ask questions!

@Pickles group

When in doubt, just imagine me poking you with a stick and saying "ho don't do it."
"Who got the least amount of sleep and who's doing the worst mentally" is not a game, do not play it. It's not a competition of who's doing the worst.
This is all the unsolicited advice I have right now, stay tuned, I'm sure I'll have more eventually


Yes, thank you very much.

Let's talk about dating as a Freshman since we're still kinda on this topic and it's probably something that lingers in every Freshie's mind.

Any tips, advice, story you would like to share?


okay again, like i said but it definitely should be reiterated

if you must date, don't do it as a freshman. freshman is your you year, your 'figuring out what the fuck is happening' year, and you do not need to factor in any relationships other than family and friends.

do not date anyone more than a grade above you and try to stick only one or two years above you if you must

i, as a sophomore this year, was fifteen. i developed a crush on a senior(who i did not know was a senior) who turned out to be eighteen(also didn't know that till after the crush started). we did end up dating after a weird couple of months(like half the school year) of him being fucking weird and then dating a fourteen year old freshman, which i should have seen as a red flag. especially because he ditched me as my homecoming date because i was only fifteen. he was full of shit and whatnot but

point is, i dated him, and i think we were about five/six months strong before i broke it off. around four months he started becoming kind of a piece of shit, guilt tripping and manipulating me, as well as lying to and stealing from my parents and then claiming he didn't remember stealing anything so

long story short, babes, learn to recognize clinical narcissists ahead of time


upperclassmen are icky, take it from one of them

no sex with upperclassmen. in general i feel like having sex with people you go to school with is bad cause like. some of them are dicks and are gonna be weird, gross, or braggy about it

so if you do, have sex with a bunch of people(safely!!) so that they can't feel special

also slut shaming isn't cool or sexy remember that



and kids, read your school rules and dresscodes. all of it. yes, i'm fucking serious. know what rules to break, what rules exist, and how you can push the limits if you need or want to

and that way if an administrator or student gives you undeserved shit you can fire right back. i used to keep my school's rules on me, both in middle and highschool

@Pickles group

Y'all don't have yours in your agendas?? We have to read the dress code and all the rules every year and then turn in a signed paper (us and a parent) saying that we agree


Y'all don't have yours in your agendas?? We have to read the dress code and all the rules every year and then turn in a signed paper (us and a parent) saying that we agree

what is an agenda

in junior high we had school planners that had the rulebook in them, thats how i always had that one. in highschool i, a bitch, printed out the fucking dresscode and kept it in my backpack because people liked to get after me for wearing low cut things and having big tits. that was it really, i was too fat/curvy for them to let it be, students mainly

@Pickles group

Y'all don't have yours in your agendas?? We have to read the dress code and all the rules every year and then turn in a signed paper (us and a parent) saying that we agree

what is an agenda

in junior high we had school planners that had the rulebook in them, thats how i always had that one. in highschool i, a bitch, printed out the fucking dresscode and kept it in my backpack because people liked to get after me for wearing low cut things and having big tits. that was it really, i was too fat/curvy for them to let it be, students mainly

Planners. We get one every year and they have a bunch of shit in them


we sign and agree but who says I read it
But yes know the stuff that you think could be used against you

ha you guys actually sign things

also the funniest thing to do is when i teacher is all like 'you signed the contract behave/no phones/whatever' pull the 'contracts signed by a minor are not legally binding'

like i'm not kidding they HATE it and it's so funny. my ela teacher this year thought it was hilarious though and let me finish what i was doing on my phone. he was also usually really chill though


we sign and agree but who says I read it
But yes know the stuff that you think could be used against you

ha you guys actually sign things

also the funniest thing to do is when i teacher is all like 'you signed the contract behave/no phones/whatever' pull the 'contracts signed by a minor are not legally binding'

like i'm not kidding they HATE it and it's so funny. my ela teacher this year thought it was hilarious though and let me finish what i was doing on my phone. he was also usually really chill though

That’s G R E A T

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

so if you do, have sex with a bunch of people(safely!!) so that they can't feel special

Um… obviously I say don't do the yiff. But I don't think doing lots of yiff in order to make anyone feel anything or not feel someone is anywhere near a good idea.


so if you do, have sex with a bunch of people(safely!!) so that they can't feel special

Um… obviously I say don't do the yiff. But I don't think doing lots of yiff in order to make anyone feel anything or not feel someone is anywhere near a good idea.

it was mostly a joke dw dom. unless that actually would work, you're okay with that, and would enjoy it, don't. don't ever force yourself to do anything like that

also yeah doin the devil's tango as a child is kinda. ew

@Pickles group

but always have safe sex you guys! i will ship anyone who wants them tropical flavored condoms

Some gas station bathrooms have them. It's a little alarming ngl

@ccb group

i'm a couple years out of high school, but i'm gonna chime in here to give you my best piece of high school dating advice, which is if you do choose to date, don't get attached to anyone. don't assume you'll date for a long time, don't assume you'll go to the same college, don't assume you'll get married, don't become dependent on your partner, and don't stay in a relationship with someone because you've grown dependent on them. don't let them be your security, don't let them be your identity. you are too young to settle (and so is everyone, but you are especially) these next four years are a fleeting moment of your life, and one that you should enjoy as much as possible, but it is a period of experimentation, and your circumstances before and after high school probably won't be a lot like your circumstances during high school. first of all, hormones, brain still developing, all that jazz. second of all, people end up in very different places once they graduate, both physically and metaphysically. when i was in high school, i made aaaaall of these mistakes. i dated the same person from the middle of my freshman year until thanksgiving of my freshman year of college. we weren't a good fit, he was condescending and disrespectful and acted like i was dumb (i think because i was a uh, girl? even though i was way smarter than him?) but i became way too attached to him at an age when i was way too vulnerable. give yourself room to breathe! if you really love each other, great, i've got 2 friends who started dating when they were 14 and now they're 20 and still going strong, but if you're even a little bit uncertain, you have the right to call it. this is not the end-all be-all of your existence, you've got so much time


and you're right. if any of you little freshies take anything away from this ccb's advice is definitely a top contender for what it should be

not the knowledge that i have the ability to mail people flavored condoms

@ccb group

and you're right. if any of you little freshies take anything away from this ccb's advice is definitely a top contender for what it should be

not the knowledge that i have the ability to mail people flavored condoms

to be fair, the knowledge that you have the ability to mail people flavored condoms is very important