Foreigner of the Plague
A post-apocalyptic future. A disease has ravaged the land. It's highly infectious, and hard to spot until the symptoms get bad.
Apocalyptic Fantasy
So, the major event that made the setting for my world is a plague. The common name for it is "Dream Leprosy" but no doctors have been alive long enough to study and classify it. The major symptoms include, but are not limited to, coughing of blood, shortness of breath, and night terrors. The nightmares were always of a terrible infection where everyone in the dream slowly falls apart, such as Lepers do. The external symptoms of the dreams are sweating, crying, and shaking. These are the warning signs. When one is far into the illness, they develop fluid in the lungs, hemorrhaging, and occasionally blindness.
Real-world physics. It's a very dystopian form of europe
This universe was created by TrinnyLikesWales on
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