info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

void/the void-land

Description - How would you describe void/the void-land?


Genre - What genre best describes void/the void-land?


date_range History
Origin - How did void/the void-land originate?


History - What is void/the void-land’s history?


gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in void/the void-land?

yes and no

Magic System - What is the magic system like in void/the void-land?

among many other things, names hold power, knowing someone's name and them not knowing yours gives a great advantage, also name can have an impact on someones personally and future.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in void/the void-land?

everything and nothing






morilo/seer: a weasel the was bound to one spot forever looking down to the world. morilo sees almost everything in the void by stealing the eyes of small critters and corpses and growing then until "seer plants", and anytime someone tries to cut them down morilo takes an eye for an eye. morilo sees all secrets.

velkalia/the absence: it is the all encompassing void, swallowing everything into it's domain.

dominique/the ringleader: an agent of chaos, barely counting as a deity, they hear all secrets.

fofu/verikafo/the deceitful: you can never truly tell their motives for anything, they could be anyone, anywhere, anytime.

cassiolia/child/the innocent/the unknowing/ the unfairly punished: they are a child of possibly limitless potential, or they could just be a simple child, either way some still rever her as a god.

minoku/the forgotten/the fortune teller/the prince: not much is known about him, and he is often forgotten as a deity. he is not vengeful though, and he tries to help everyone with premonitions and prophecies. he has a fondness for cassiolia, given her kind personality and that she is the only one to always remember him.

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for void/the void-land?

alice in wonderland and the "void background" when you draw


The void is everything and nothing. Not dead and not alive. It thinks without a mind. It breathes without lungs. It sees without eyes. It hears without ears. It has holds everything inside but is empty. It is a god. It is omnipotent and powerless. It everywhere but nowhere.

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This universe was created by Armista-beckett on

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