info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Universe Pr0jec7_A71an7;ca

Description - How would you describe Universe Pr0jec7_A71an7;ca?

A distortion of reality, fiction and fantasy

Genre - What genre best describes Universe Pr0jec7_A71an7;ca?


date_range History
History - What is Universe Pr0jec7_A71an7;ca’s history?

None to add as of now

gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Universe Pr0jec7_A71an7;ca?

Laws of physics are the same as ours as of the moment.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Universe Pr0jec7_A71an7;ca?

If you are a strong magic user you are expected to protect those with weaker or no magic and to disrespect those with weaker or no magic was a massive problem.

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for Universe Pr0jec7_A71an7;ca?


folder_open Deities
This universe contains...
Universe Pr0jec7_A71an7;ca is included in the following collections
The Public Domain by @Eldest-God-andrew
Works dedicated to the Public Domain

This universe was created by Kai on

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