info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe THE CIRCUS DELIRIUM?

Freakshow and Circus

Genre - What genre best describes THE CIRCUS DELIRIUM?

Realistic Fiction

gavel Rules
Technology - What is the level of technology like in THE CIRCUS DELIRIUM?

Since TCD is set in the 1950s America, there are no cell phones or any technology invented after 1953.

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in THE CIRCUS DELIRIUM?

Earth's physics

Magic System - What is the magic system like in THE CIRCUS DELIRIUM?

N/A- TCD is set on Earth

book History
History - What is THE CIRCUS DELIRIUM’s history?

The Circus Delirium is first and foremost a traveling circus, yes, but it also has a number of… sideshow acts that could classify it as something more along the lines of a so-called freak show. These human attractions are from all over the world, and are trained in a number of traditional circus acts, as well as things like singing or dancing. The troupe travels across the United States, only stopping in one place for a few nights before packing up and heading back out on the road. While most of the performers are "freaks" in some way, whether it be that they have some form of physical anomaly or just extreme body modifications, regular circus performers are also welcomed with open arms at the Circus Delirium. This is set in the late 1950s/early 1960s.

edit Notes
history Changelog
camera_alt References
pets Werewolves
brightness_4 Vampires
whatshot Demons
group Other Species
This universe contains...
1 character reorder
group Characters close
group Oleg Pivavorova The Russian Werewolf

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