info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

When Sparks Fly || Webtoon

Description - How would you describe When Sparks Fly || Webtoon?


Genre - What genre best describes When Sparks Fly || Webtoon?

Superhero/Romance/Slice of life

date_range History
History - What is When Sparks Fly || Webtoon’s history?

The first real metahuman to show up in the world was a little boy, around 5 years old. He could command fire, and his lack of control made him a danger to everybody around him. Several years later, Metahumans started popping up everywhere, some with powers unruly and others rather domestic, but still incredible nonetheless.
A few more years down the track and this first generation of Metahumans became the forefront of a chaotic era where people would abuse their power and force their ideals upon others, until one day, a single metahuman fought back against his own kin, declaring that they were becoming the monsters that the people had accused them of being.
Soon, other metahumans followed in his footsteps. They called him the first superhero, and few heroes live to receive the honour of bearing such a name.

gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in When Sparks Fly || Webtoon?

Ask the science nerds (usually me but not with physics, sorry! it's my one weakness)

Technology - What is the level of technology like in When Sparks Fly || Webtoon?

a parallel 21st century, with slightly more advanced first world medicine and research facilities.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in When Sparks Fly || Webtoon?

It's been debated whether or not the Metahuman Abilities are Magic, or some kind of Phenomena that could be scientifically explained.

Yes, what a happens to something a metahuman interacts with can almost always be observed with different sciences, but how a metahuman can force nature to bend to their will has been puzzling scientists for almost a decade.

edit Notes
history Changelog
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