info Overview
Name - What is The Eptáchóric Games named?

The Eptáchóric Games

Description - How would you describe The Eptáchóric Games?

An athletic competition dedicated to the gods


There are seven games, each representative of each country,
1st game- 2 Horse Chariot Race - Apollonia
2nd game - Pygmachia(Boxing) - Fulgaria
3rd game - Magic Contest - Hydron
4th game - Hopolite Tournament - Thrace
5th game - Snowboard Race - Pagonia
6th - Javelin Toss - Crete
7th - Cooking - Ithaca

input Setup
Play area - Where is The Eptáchóric Games played? What surfaces or environments are needed?

The Games are held in an amphitheater in a different country each year.

Equipment - What equipment do players need to play The Eptáchóric Games?

Equipment varies by game

Number of players - How many people can play The Eptáchóric Games in a game? How many on each team? How many teams?

There are up to 500 players per country. The rounds keep going until a victor is decided.

How to win - How does a player or team win in The Eptáchóric Games?

The victor of each game competes against each other in a tournament.

directions_run Playing
Rules - What are the rules to play The Eptáchóric Games?

Rules vary by game

group Culture
Uniforms - What do the uniforms of The Eptáchóric Games look like?

All players wear a chiton with the color representing their country.
Red- Apollonia
Blue- Hydron
White- Crete
Light Blue- Pagonia
Green- Ithaca
Brown- Thrace
Yellow- Fulgaria

Popularity - How popular is The Eptáchóric Games?

The Eptáchóric Games is the most popular sport in Hadea.

Countries - Which countries play The Eptáchóric Games?

All countries in Hadea, with execption of Myria compete.

Teams - What teams play The Eptáchóric Games?

Each country has a team consisting of 500 individuals.

Traditions - What traditions are common in The Eptáchóric Games?

An animal sacrifice is held before each competition.

history History
Previous Winners


history Changelog
edit Notes

This sport was created by Kai on

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