info Overview
Name - What is Firefall School for Supernatural Children named?

Firefall School for Supernatural Children

Type of school - What kind of school is Firefall School for Supernatural Children ?

Boarding school

Nicknames - What other names is Firefall School for Supernatural Children known as?


security Identity
Motto - What is Firefall School for Supernatural Children 's motto?

'In a world where humans prevail, we work together to never fail.'

Mascot - What is Firefall School for Supernatural Children 's mascot?

A blue Phoenix

Colors - What are Firefall School for Supernatural Children 's school colors?

White and gold

Crest - What does Firefall School for Supernatural Children 's school crest look like?

A pair of angel wings on a shield, the shield has symbols linking to every specie (excluding humans)

Uniforms - What uniforms are worn at Firefall School for Supernatural Children ?

First Year - Navy blue, white, gold
Second Year - Green, white, gold
Third Year - Red, white, gold
Fourth Year - Purple, white, gold
Fifth Year - White, gold

Class X - Black, cream, navy, gold

Houses - What houses or dormitories are available to students at Firefall School for Supernatural Children ?

Elites —— Everyone born into wealth and power
Lucky Ones —— Everyone whose family worked their way up to upper class
Commoners —— Everyone whose family is working class

Purpose - What is the stated reason Firefall School for Supernatural Children exists?

To provide an education suited to the supernatural survival, while maintaining the safety of the children who are being hunted down.

color_lens Classes
Subjects - What subjects are available to learn at Firefall School for Supernatural Children ?

English (Speaking and Writing)
English (Reading)
Basic Mathematics
Biology of the Human
Biology of the Supernatural
Ancient History
Music (Traditional)
Music (Incantations and Chants)
Art and Design
Magical Art and Design
Foreign Languages
Culture and Assimilation
Martial Arts
Physical Education

School specialties - What subjects is Firefall School for Supernatural Children known for?

Herbology and Martial Arts

Grading system - How are students graded at Firefall School for Supernatural Children ?

Fail - below 26%
Commendation - 26% to 36%
Pass - 37% to 49%
Merit - 50% to 85%
Distinction - 86% and above

Core curriculum - What classes are mandatory for all students at Firefall School for Supernatural Children ?

English (Reading)
Basic Mathematics
Biology of the Human
Foreign Languages
Physical Education

supervisor_account Staff
Headmaster - Who is the headmaster or principal at Firefall School for Supernatural Children ?

Miss Viola Primrose Firefall —— Great grand daughter of Lord Fabien Firefall

Teachers - Who are the teachers at Firefall School for Supernatural Children ?

Ms Lilith Thorne — Class X Only
Mr Dove Young — English (all)
Mrs Lorelie Underwood — Science (all)
Mr Keiran Foxglove and Mr Alfie Daisy — Foreign Languages

Coach Dixon — Physical Education
Kay Han — Martial Arts

assignment_ind Students
Student ages - What age are students at Firefall School for Supernatural Children ?

10 to 19

rowing Extracurriculars
history History
Date founded - When was Firefall School for Supernatural Children founded?

September 15th, 1945

Founded by - Who started Firefall School for Supernatural Children ?

Lord Fabien Firefall

history Changelog
edit Notes

This school was created by Lee on

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