info Overview
Name - What is Tanama University named?

Tanama University

Description - How would you describe Tanama University ?

The most prestigious magic school in the Western Hemisphere

Type of school - What kind of school is Tanama University ?

A university...

Nicknames - What other names is Tanama University known as?


security Identity
Motto - What is Tanama University 's motto?

"With power there comes a heavy price."

Mascot - What is Tanama University 's mascot?

An eagle

Colors - What are Tanama University 's school colors?

Blue and silver

Crest - What does Tanama University 's school crest look like?

A bird choked by vines

Uniforms - What uniforms are worn at Tanama University ?


Houses - What houses or dormitories are available to students at Tanama University ?

Same as in a normal schoo;

Purpose - What is the stated reason Tanama University exists?

To teach young students to control their magic

Reputation - What is Tanama University 's reputation?

Very good

color_lens Classes
supervisor_account Staff
assignment_ind Students
rowing Extracurriculars
history History
history Changelog
edit Notes

This school was created by Hannah on

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