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- {:name=>"What is the name of %{name}?", :summary=>"In short, what happens in %{name}?", :what_caused_this?=>"What previous events led to %{name}?", :description=>"What happens in %{name}?", :results=>"At the end of %{name}, what has changed?"}

Chapter 4:

Dra'Kain's roar scatters all the Syl's around him; the young scurrying for the safety of their parents and those old enough took flight and moved far away from him as quickly as they could. Dra'Kain was the largest Syl in all of Dej'Netir and others moved out of his way, especially since he had lost his 'penziara' (partner) months ago. He had become more violent towards everyone and it was increasingly difficult to do anything around Dra'Kain without a harsh reaction.
Dra'Kain continued to roar

Dra'Kain finds Sor'Ryn and after both rest, Dra'Kain flies Sor'Ryn to Oreb'nor where Saewine, Asa, A'Xon, Ry'Den and Da'Zik all discuss how to retaliate

Fallyn is being tortured by Be'Zil - the face of the rebellion. The power that is inside starts to manifest is small ways such as shocks, feeling sick or apprehensive when people approach her, is able to amplify others powers by will (eventually)

Reesa and Meryha are preparing a 'pathetic' attack when Sor'Ryn's group arrives. Gathers all the women together in around the corridor that leads to the underground cell where Fallyn is (Sor'yn was)

*They are all taken aboard two large ships that Saewine and Asa lead. They find almost a hundred women. For the most part the camp is deserted except for a few guards left at the entrance of the buildings.
Fallyn is badly injured, unconscious, dies once on the ship and once at Oreb'Nor. But makes a recovery with Asa and Meryha healing her. (dying and returning you are considered 'holy'?)
They all try to share as much information as they can and come to the conclusion that a war is about to begin. No one is aware that Sarafin is involved but believe the Be'Zil is the leader and on the one causing all the problems. A plan is created to kill him.
A spell is put over the continent to kill off as many Syls as possible. For several months, the continent is in a state of fear and turmoil as thousands of Syls die - Many from the grasslands/desert/sea.


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