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- {:name=>"What is the name of %{name}?", :summary=>"In short, what happens in %{name}?", :what_caused_this?=>"What previous events led to %{name}?", :description=>"What happens in %{name}?", :results=>"At the end of %{name}, what has changed?"}

3 Kings Kuvan is the largest of all Kuvans, with 3 leaders running the Kuvan. They are young compared to others however they are highly respected and are often sought out for advice. They are known for putting their people first, fairness, and loyalty.
*3 Kings are meeting in their War room to discuss the capture of their leader, his escape and their next step.
*They are discussing the involvement of other Kuvans, the impact it will have on the people, and what will be the end outcome for the Black Kuvan.
*Leader is furious and wants the total destruction of the Black Kuvan and doesn't want o focus on anything else. The other 2 are planning for the rest, trying to get Sor'Ryn not to attack yet, although they realize with his escape the black Kuvan could retaliate, attack/kill the remaining prisoners or all the above.


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