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- {:name=>"What is the name of %{name}?", :summary=>"In short, what happens in %{name}?", :what_caused_this?=>"What previous events led to %{name}?", :description=>"What happens in %{name}?", :results=>"At the end of %{name}, what has changed?"}

3 Kings Kuvan has returned with the prisoners. Many are injured and getting help Fal'Lyn is in serious condition and has died twice before she is stable. She is visited often by the other women and is questioned by Kuvan leasers as to the details of the prison/facility.
She becomes the unspoken leader of the women and works well with other leaders except Sor'Ryn, who hurt her in his panic/rage to get out of the prison. She tries to avoid him at all cost or to have someone with her. She becomes influential in the Kuvan. Helps with planning the attack and overall positioning of others for the war.
She has a lot of latent magic abilities. Finds a dragons egg and its a silver/white - unlimited powers/special talents


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