info Overview
Name - What is Gustaborn named?


General Description

A type of Craftborn associated with Gustamancy.

face Physical Characteristics
Physical Characteristics

Gustaborn have a piscine appearance, with the body covered in vibrant blue scales, fins along the arms and legs, and webbed hands and feet. They have a wide mouth similar to that of a catfish, complete with long whiskers hanging down from the sides. These whiskers have taste receptors along the surface, though the resulting sense of taste isn't as strong as when using the mouth directly. While their mouth is fishlike on the outside, they do have a more traditional tongue and set of teeth, including incisors and molars. Gustaborn teeth are known for their strength, rarely necessitating any visits to the dentist.

While Gustaborn are generally more at home in the water, they are still perfectly capable of functioning on land and do still need air to breathe. Once a Gustaborn becomes fully mutated, though, this is no longer the case -- they trade their lungs for large gills running along the sides, and the legs fuse together into a thick catfish-like tail. The mouth also becomes enormous, large enough to swallow even smaller humans whole.

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