info Overview
Name - What is Vampire named?


Description - How would you describe Vampire's people?

We all know what a fucking vampire is

fingerprint Traits
Strengths - What are the strengths of Vampire?

Speed, strength, immortality

Weaknesses - What are the weaknesses of Vampire?

Silver, sunlight, lack of blood, need to be invited in

groups Culture
date_range History
edit Notes

Vampires are created when a human gets vampire blood into their system. The vampire blood poisons them, and if they have enough of it in their system when they die, then they turn. Vampire strength is determined by how far down in the sire line a vampire is; the closer of a link they have to an original vampire, the more powerful they are.

Vampires do not age and are virtually unkillable. Weaknesses include silver and sunlight.

Silver to the heart is deadly to vampires within moments. Silver, in general, isn't healthy for them. Silver getting into a main artery or vein can kill slowly as the blood cells latch onto it and multiply it then send it to the heart, then stop the heart. Mirrors silvered in silver do not work for vampires, while mirrors silvered in anything else do work.

Garlic protects vampires from the sun. Ingesting it lasts a while, wearing it lasts as long as it is worn. The idea that garlic is bad for vampires was started by vampires so that they could wear garlic without outing themselves as vampires.

AFAB vampires can't get pregnant, but AMAB vampires can get human/werewolf AFAB people pregnant within 36 hours(AFAB=assigned female at birth, AMAB=assigned male at birth). If this occurs with a born werewolf, it creates a new demon. If this occurs with any other creature, it creates a being that is mostly the other creature with some vampire traits such as sun sensitivity.

As undead creatures, vampires need blood to survive. If a vampire goes without for too long, rigor mortis will set in, leaving them unable to move unless someone else gives them enough blood to reverse the process so they can move again. This process is incredibly slow and painful for a vampire.


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