info Overview
Name - What is Dusk Elf named?

Dusk Elf

Other names - What other names do Dusk Elf have?

Dark Elf

Description - How would you describe Dusk Elf's people?

Tall and slender humanoids with color-drained grey skin and pointed ears. They have a higher average magic level than humans.

face Looks
Skin colors - What skin color(s) are common on the Dusk Elf race?

Dark Grey, Grey, Light Grey

Typical clothing - What kind of clothing is common with Dusk Elf individuals?

Light, but fully covering clothing since they mostly live in hotter areas.

Physical variance - How much variance is there between individuals of the Dusk Elf race?

As much as there is in humans. The skin color and eye color don't vary as much though.

Notable features - What physical features on a Dusk Elf are most noticeable?

Pointed ears
Oddly colored eyes
Grey skin

General weight - How heavy is the average Dusk Elf?

200 - 400 lb

Body shape - What does the average Dusk Elf body shape look like?

Slender, lean

General height - How tall is the average Dusk Elf?

6 - 8 ft

fingerprint Traits
Weaknesses - What are the weaknesses of Dusk Elf?

Too heavy to swim



Strengths - What are the strengths of Dusk Elf?

High tolerance to heat and flames
Highly resilient skin
High intellects for the most part

groups Culture
Occupations - What occupations are common with Dusk Elf individuals?

Metal workers

Favorite foods - What are the most common favorite foods of the Dusk Elf?

Spicy foods that grow in their homeland

Economics - What does the economic situation look like for the Dusk Elf?

Most Dark Elves work jobs that pay well enough, but there are a few who make the cut for rich.

Beliefs - What beliefs are commonly held by the Dusk Elf?

Belief in ancestor flames
Worship the Five High Guardians

Technologies - What kinds of technologies do the Dusk Elf societies take advantage of?


import_contacts History
history Changelog
edit Notes

This race was created by Oz Bravo on

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