info Overview
Name - What is Aildun named?


Description - How would you describe Aildun's people?

Aildun were the ancient caretakers to the kaiju and environment of the current ‘Dead World.’

face Looks
General weight - How heavy is the average Aildun?

130 pounds

Notable features - What physical features on a Aildun are most noticeable?

Four eyes, no matter the case.
On average (and min) has four ears
A monkey like tail and feet (as well as hands)
Four arms

Physical variance - How much variance is there between individuals of the Aildun race?

Height, eye colours, amount of ears, weight, fur colours.

Typical clothing - What kind of clothing is common with Aildun individuals?

Typically, the Aildun wore loose cloths, on a daily basis. If an Aildun travels often, depending on their purpose, they would often wear clothing less likely to get snagged on by the environment, and more protective to the conditions in the Dead World.

Protective gear is worn by those dealing with kaiju.

Body shape - What does the average Aildun body shape look like?

Usually lean.

Skin colors - What skin color(s) are common on the Aildun race?

Typically greys or browns. In rare cases, albino.

General height - How tall is the average Aildun?


fingerprint Traits
groups Culture
Governments - What governments are common with the Aildun?

A leading council of often the wisest Aildun. The council can be voted off at any time if the population sees that they are not doing their job (which doesn’t happen too often.)

Tribes are often ruled by the father or mother, or both husband and wife.

Travellers often have no rulers.

Favorite foods - What are the most common favorite foods of the Aildun?

Fruits, sweet things
Enjoy the bark of certain trees, but not for eating (to chew on instead)

date_range History
Notable events - What events are most important to the history of Aildun?

The Jiimaru Extinction Event

history Changelog
edit Notes

This race was created by Mojack on

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