info Overview
Name - What is Botanians named?


Other names - What other names do Botanians have?

Ferocia Flas - Scientific
Blood Weeds (or just weeds) - Slang derogatory
Green Men
Flower Power
Garden Warriors

Description - How would you describe Botanians's people?

Flower People

face Looks
Notable features - What physical features on a Botanians are most noticeable?

Green skin (various factors can allow them any skin colors plants have)
Petals instead of hair
Maybe All black eyes
Maybe a strange mouth. Solid flat lips that works like a beak with fang like spikes. No teeth

Physical variance - How much variance is there between individuals of the Botanians race?

They vary much the same as humans (different skin tone, hair color, and size)
"Hair" color and skin patterns is a family trait and can vary greatly

Typical clothing - What kind of clothing is common with Botanians individuals?

Tribal clothes made mostly of plant and animal parts (leaves, skins, vines, and sinew)
The clothing will be light but not skimpy or suggestive
Very flexible with few adornments. (So they don't snag on a branch or ruin the camouflage)

Body shape - What does the average Botanians body shape look like?

Two arms
No tail

Skin colors - What skin color(s) are common on the Botanians race?

The skin is usually some shade of green
skin color can be used to determine health to a certain extent

General height - How tall is the average Botanians?

Typically 5 ft to 6.5 ft

General weight - How heavy is the average Botanians?

They are half plant so I don't know how this will effect weight.

fingerprint Traits

They can photosynthesize a little
Carnivorous (prefer raw bloody meat)
As plant people age they toughen and dry up leaving a husk upon death


They have "petals" for hair that can be pollinated by a man's hair brushing up against a woman's hair in a special way (may add a specific ritual for this). Then the woman's petals close up and harden into an egg shaped shell where the child incubates like a chicken in an egg. When ready the petals open up.
Instead of an umbilical cord the baby has a short root. Small hair like roots cover it's body. Securing it so it doesn't fall off the head.
Their harsh life style means that children with birth defects rarely survive. (Despite a mothers best efforts.)

Weaknesses - What are the weaknesses of Botanians?

Not very sociable with other races
Generally apathetic to other races
Generally Impatient and hates to be bored (patient when stalking prey)

Strengths - What are the strengths of Botanians?

Good instincts
Have a knack for wilderness survival
Very competitive nature

groups Culture
Governments - What governments are common with the Botanians?

Tribal or clans

Favorite foods - What are the most common favorite foods of the Botanians?

Some bugs are mashed to make "spices"
Most bugs are the equivalent of tofu. Nasty but work when desperate
fruit and veggies taste rancid
Find the concept of cooking silly and strange


Native like Cherokee

Child Raising

Upon being born a child is adopted and raised by the entire tribe. In most instances the birth mother will nurture and house the child. But the whole tribe helps take care of the child teaching it their special customs and skills. The mighty hunters will usually teach hunting. While the tribal medicine man teaches medicine, and the old wise men often teach their history and provide wisdom to the young child.
Upon reaching a certain age (about 10) they go through a rite of passage. This varies from tribe to tribe, but usually involves entering the woods alone for months and bringing back a trophy from a very dangerous beast. Failure usually results in banishment until you can prove yourself worthy by doing a great feat. Some of the older tribes commonly have you hunt down another tribe member and eat them (bonus points if you kill an alien or another tribes warrior).

Traditions - What traditions are common with Botanians's individuals?

Pass down hunting techniques
Occasionally go to war
Very competitive
Husks of the dead aren't buried, but rather used to be put out on display to honor the dead before being lit on fire after complete drying.
If ever a husk is found and can't be returned to the family it should be treated with respect and given the ceremony. Failure to do so is believed to be very bad and leads to a horrible afterlife punishment
Wise-men share the legends, lore, and history of their tribe and people.
Story telling is very much enjoyed so Wise-men will occasion tell stories of notable events and people outside their own.
Ask any Wise-man and he will tell you all his stories are true. (just a little inaccurate over the years)
Most races believe Shaman stories are just the ramblings of some high old lady. Saying that in front of a(n) (untitled)will likely get you killed though so most keep quiet.
The Shamans tell tails of spiritual activities. They also spend their time praying and making sacrifices (animal) for good hunting
Love games

Beliefs - What beliefs are commonly held by the Botanians?

Commonly believe in being "one with nature"
Believe in animal spirits but usually only praise dangerous predators
More traditional tribes openly cannibalize and make sentient sacrifices (usually their own people)
Most tribes stopped doing this over many years. This was due to trade exposing many of the young to new ideals. And after many tribes' warriors (most all adults) were killed. Causing widespread cultural shock.

Technologies - What kinds of technologies do the Botanians societies take advantage of?

Primitive tribe tech
And advanced tech from outsiders (don't know how it works just knows how to use it)
Populous slowly getting educated

Occupations - What occupations are common with Botanians individuals?

Wise Man
Medicine Man

Economics - What does the economic situation look like for the Botanians?

Community sharing of necessities
Bartering with others
Most bartering is between other tribes.
They don't like to trade with outsiders. As a result they're really bad at haggling.
Despite this fact most don't have the guts to cheat them. At least you never hear about these people. (Just a few merchants mysteriously going missing)
It's usually the younger hunters who are very intrigued by advanced melee weapons and gear that trade.
Sometimes hunting parties will charter a ship to take them to better (more dangerous) hunting grounds to challenge themselves
Because of their great hunting and fighting prowess they are sometimes chartered as mercenaries and bounty hunters especially if the target is hiding on a forested world

date_range History
history Changelog
edit Notes

Perhaps I could add a feature where if the plant people ever cannibalized a blood red mark would permanently appear on the body. (Perhaps their eyes turn red)
Also I could add aromas produced by the flowers on their heads.
I need to look into giving them special digestive tracks.

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This race was created by Seth on

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