info Overview
Name - What is Zenarigon named?


Description - How would you describe Zenarigon's people?

The Zenarigon are not exactly native to Earth. Zenar are very sparse in terms of population as well, having an extremely low amount (with estimations being at a few hundred). However, what they may have low in population they make up for endurance and intelligence, as well as size and strength.

Other names - What other names do Zenarigon have?


face Looks
General weight - How heavy is the average Zenarigon?

60,000 metric tons to 250 pounds

Notable features - What physical features on a Zenarigon are most noticeable?

Split jaws, large (but capable of changing size), crocodile like tail. Front facing horns

Physical variance - How much variance is there between individuals of the Zenarigon race?

Sizes, eye colours, eye amounts, wingless or wings. Webbed feet or no webbing.

Body shape - What does the average Zenarigon body shape look like?

Usually somewhat muscular but varies

Skin colors - What skin color(s) are common on the Zenarigon race?

Usually dark almost black shades of usually greens or blues, but expectations (like the rare albino) can be made

General height - How tall is the average Zenarigon?

100 metres in height avg. Shortned variety is 8 ft.

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