info Overview
Name - What's the name of Ethea ?


Description - How would you describe Ethea ?

Ethea is a massive planet in its own solar system, it has 4 moons and is mostly a water world with very few continents and made up of mostly large island chains.

layers Geography
Size - How big is Ethea ?

54,329 mile radius

Surface - What is the surface of Ethea like?

Largely made up of water

Climate - What's the climate on Ethea like?

Subtropical to Temporate

Weather - What's the weather like on Ethea ?

Warm, rainy. Hot and humid summers with mild winters.

Water Content - What's the water content like on Ethea ?


Natural Resources - What natural resources are there on Ethea ?

Minerals, copper, nickel, iron, cobalt, macroalgaes, foods, resources for beauty products, and most importantly oil.

fireplace Climate
Seasons - What seasons are there on Ethea ?

Summer: Hot and humid

Fall: Mild

Winter: Mild, very little frost

Spring: Warm

Temperature - How hot does Ethea get? How cold? What's the average temperature?

Average Temperature of 81 degrees, sometimes that temperature can climb to a dangerous level and forces inhabitants to stay indoors.

Atmosphere - What does the atmosphere consist of on Ethea ?

Breathable (if not a little over oxygenated)

Natural disasters - What natural disasters are common on Ethea ?

Typhoons, tsunamis, tropical storms such as hurricanes and cyclones

hourglass_empty Time
Length Of Day - How long is daytime on Ethea ?

Not sure how to calculate

Length Of Night - How long is night time on Ethea ?

Not sure how to calculate

Calendar System - What's the calendar system like on Ethea ?

336 days in a year on Ethea
12 months with 28 days in each month
4 Moons

Night sky - What does the sky look like at night on Ethea ?

The night sky is a lovely deep purple.

Day sky - What does the sky look like during the day on Ethea ?

A light blue-grey.

face Inhabitants
Population - What's the population like on Ethea ?

300 Billion. (Lotta people)

star_border Astral
Suns - Does Ethea have any suns?

One, it is not named.

Moons - Does Ethea have any moons? If so, what are they?


Kallos, Charis, Katharos, and Leukos

Orbit - What does Ethea 's astral orbit look like?

Not sure how to discribe.

Visible Constellations - What constellations are visible from Ethea ?


date_range History
edit Notes

Ethea calls Coren's planet Phaethon


This planet was created by Sophie on

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