info Overview
Name - What is the name of Botanic Necromancy?

Botanic Necromancy

Description - How would you describe Botanic Necromancy?

The ability to make dead bodies undead using the growth of plants

Type of magic - What type of magic is Botanic Necromancy?

Combines life magic and death magic

flash_on Appearance
flare Effects
Positive effects - What positive effects does Botanic Necromancy have?

Botanic necromancy can make a whole area flourish with life if use by a benevolent wielder. Botanic necromancy can use the souls of the dead as 'anchors' for a new forest, oasis, or even a swamp. The new life force that inhabits this area can then grow, thrive and spread. In any case of botanic necromancy, there will be rapid growth of flora.

Negative effects - What negative effects does Botanic Necromancy have?

Botanic necromancy is extremely advanced magic and can leave the person using it feeling very drained. Sometimes the person using the magic will go into a coma and won't come out, sometimes they'll die leaving their task unfinished. Some users use human sacrifices for their ritual as well.

polymer Alignment
lock Requirements
Limitations - What limitations does Botanic Necromancy have? What can't it do?

Botanic necromancy can't replace the soul that a person once had, it can only reanimate a corpse.

Skills required - What skills are required to use Botanic Necromancy?

Botanic necromancy takes a lot of training and patience. Someone would need a considerable wealth of power to be able to constantly draw on for the conversion to work. Botanic necromancy transfers the life of plants into dead bodies. You need to be able to completely control, not only the plants movement, but also it's entire life-force. Unlike necromancy, it doesn't need a human sacrifice, it only needs the life-force of multiple plants. Still, the plants can't completely replace a human soul. The new creature that has risen will be more undead than a living thing of its own. Most often, people use blood sacrifices to strengthen the ritual.

Materials required - What materials are required to use Botanic Necromancy?

Botanic necromancy involves a focus item for someone of lesser magical skill. A focus item is an expensive gem of magic origin. A focus item can also be an enchanted gem or rock that previously held magic, but those are less effective and easier to find. An anchor is also required for botanic necromancy. The lost soul of the dead is replaced by the life force of new flora, but the place where the soul once was is called the anchor. A focus item can help strengthen the anchor and help the ritual.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This magic was created by barabara on

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