info Overview
Name - What is Basilisk Chateau’s full name?

Basilisk Chateau

Type - What type of location is Basilisk Chateau?

Fancy nightclub/casino

Description - Describe Basilisk Chateau.

Marks the borders of Gandelheim and Nullen, been in business ever since Damascus came into being

face Culture
Currency - What currencies are used in Basilisk Chateau?

All currencies

Sports - What sports are played in Basilisk Chateau?


Laws - What are the laws in Basilisk Chateau?

No barfights, don't go into the basement, ask the bartender to see the owner

Language - What languages are spoken in Basilisk Chateau?

All languages

Population - What is Basilisk Chateau’s population?

Fits about 2000-3000 people

Motto - What is Basilisk Chateau’s motto?

"What happens in the Basilisk stays in the Basilisk"

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Basilisk Chateau in?


Climate - What is the climate like in Basilisk Chateau?


Located at - Where is Basilisk Chateau located?

In Molhaven on the borders of Gandelheim and Nullen

Crops - What crops does Basilisk Chateau produce?


book History
Founding Story - How was Basilisk Chateau founded?

Founded by Damascus almost immediately after he came into being, tolerated by the Molhaven officials because Damascus gives them leads on criminals

Notable Wars - What notable wars has Basilisk Chateau been involved in?

The War of Centuries, The Paean Occurrences, The Border Wars

Established Year - When was Basilisk Chateau established?

Same year Damascus was born

history Changelog
edit Notes

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